在 AWS 上租一卡車機器的人最近應該都有收到重開機的通知,目前雖然沒有明講編號,但看起來是 10/01 會公開的 XSA-108:「EC2 Maintenance Update」。
不過 Slashdot 上的「Amazon Forced To Reboot EC2 To Patch Bug In Xen」這篇的第一個 comment 很精彩:
It's funny for me to read that Amazon is notifying its users of an impending reboot.
I've been suffering with Azure for over a year now, and the only thing that's constant is rebooting....
My personal favorite Azure feature, is that SQL Azure randomly drops database connections by design.
Let that sink in for a while. You are actually required to program your application to expect failed database calls.
I've never seen such a horrible platform, or a less reliable database server...
這要怎麼說呢... 就使用雲端服務的人,設計上的確要這樣沒錯,但就提供雲端服務的供應商,應該還是要保持 VM 的穩定性吧... XDDD