MariaDB 停掉 SkySQL 與 Xpand

看到「MariaDB ditches products and staff in restructure, bags $26.5M loan to cushion fall」這篇,MariaDB 決定停掉 SkySQL (SQL service) 與 Xpand (scalable solution)。對應的 8-K 文件在 30366574-a5f7-4512-ab57-e643d1fb148d.pdf 這邊。

這兩個產品不再收新客戶,另外現有的客戶有安排轉移計畫 (大概就是告知替代方案而已?):

As part of the Plan, the Company will focus its attention on its core MariaDB Enterprise Server database product. Products not related to the core MariaDB Enterprise Server business, including SkySQL and Xpand, will no longer be sold and the Company has implemented a plan to help existing customers migrate off these products.

至於本業的部分... 自家研發的 Aria 引擎沒有什麼賣點,與 MyISAM 相比,只有 crash-safe 的功能能看,但還是沒有 transaction 的能力。

這次是不是還有能量回歸把本業做好,就得看下去了... 話說 MariaDB 當初 2022 年是透過 SPAC 搞上市的 (參考「The MariaDB SPAC deal could prove to be a key test for unicorn exits」這個報導),不知道 key man 股票是不是都脫手了...

MariaDB 嘗試相容於 PostgreSQL 協定的產品

Twitter 上看到的消息,新聞在「MariaDB's Xpand offers PostgreSQL compatibility without the forking drama」這邊:

看起來是 SkySQL 的服務,這樣聽起來不像會 open source... 看起來賣點在於 globally distributed RDBMS 這個部分:

MariaDB is previewing a PostgreSQL-compatible front end in its SkySQL Database-as-a-Service which provides a globally distributed RDBMS on the back end.
