Tomato64 專案:x86-64 版本的 Tomato

看到 x86-64 版本的 FreshTomato:「Tomato64: A port of Tomato Firmware to x86_64 (」,專案官網在 Tomato64 這邊。

Hardware (Router) Compatibility 這邊可以看到原專案主要支援的是 ARMMIPS 平台,沒有 x86 系列平台的影子。

x86 的多有線網路 + 無線網路機器算是蠻好取得的 (甚至可以自己組裝),先前我應該會裝 pfSense,現在多了一個選擇可以用,不過 feature list 裡面沒看到 IPsec,看起來是原版就沒支援,得自己在 cli 裝套件跑起來設定?

本來在想有沒有機會跑在 Amazon EC2...

ARM 版的 Windows 宣稱要改善 x86 轉譯速度

在「Microsoft gives Windows new compiler, kernel, scheduler, and x86 translation layer on ARM」這邊看到的:

Microsoft also unveiled the name for its new x86 translation layer for Windows on ARM: Prism. Microsoft told Ars Technica that Prism is as fast as Apple’s Rosetta 2, which is interesting because Apple’s M series chips contain special silicon to speed up the translation process, making me wonder if Qualcomm has done the same, or is just brute-forcing it.

看起來之前 Windows 平板上跑 x86 應用程式很慢的痛點有機會改善?另外不知道技術相似度如何,有沒有機會看到細節分析...

用 x86 組語寫的 web forum

另外一個在週末看到的奇怪東西,用 x86 組語寫的 web forum:「AsmBB – a lightweight web forum engine written in assembly language (」,官網在 asmBB 這邊,說明則是在「What is AsmBB?」這頁。

是個 x86 assembly + SQLite 的組合:

AsmBB is fully written in assembly language and uses SQLite as a database back-end. That is why it can work on really weak hosting and in the same time serve huge amount of visitors without lags and delays.

程式碼是用 Fossil 管的,不過作者有 mirror 到 GitHub 上:「johnfound/asmbb」。

SQlite 的部分用了 SQLeet,可以在 這個檔案裡面看到引用了

AsmBB uses SQLite with SQLeet extension as a back-end storage database and FastCGI interface to the web server.

組語的部分看起來是用 fasm 寫的,看程式碼 (像是 encryption.asm) 可以看到一些好用的語法,像是自動處理 function 參數的部分 (應該有設定某種 convention),跟當年寫 MASM 的用法方便不少:

stdcall TextCreate, sizeof.TText
mov     edx, eax

stdcall TextCat, edx, <"Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8", 13, 10, 13, 10>
stdcall RenderTemplate, edx, 'crypto.tpl', 0, esi

世紀帝國系列裡的 AoE 與 AoK 使用組合語言加速的情況

Age of Empires (1997) 與 Age of Empires II: The Age of Kings (1999) 是當年兩個很紅的遊戲,有傳言裡面有很大一部分是用組合語言寫的。

剛剛在 Hacker News 上看到「Original Age of Empires 2 dev talks about its usage of assembly code (」這篇,看起來是原作者跳出來說明這段傳言 (講的更細),原文在 Reddit 的「AoE is written in Assembly - is this actually TRUE?! :O : aoe2」這邊。

32-bit 的 x86 組語部分有大約 13k 行,大多數 (11.5k 行) 是與繪圖有關的 (當年繪圖相關的功能都還是 CPU 在算):

There were about ~13,000 lines of x86 32-bit assembly code written in total.

The vast majority, about ~11,500 lines worth, was in the 'drawing core', which drew SLP sprites in a variety of ways (mirrored, stippled, clipped). The code for this was in a separate .asm file, which was "compiled" by Microsoft Macro Assembler 6.1 into a .obj file.

最主要的目的當然是效能,這邊提到隔壁棚的星海爭霸預設還是 640x480 的時候,AoE 這邊預設可以上 800x600:

The use of assembly in the drawing core resulting in a ~10x sprite drawing speed improvement over the C++ reference implementations, and AoE's drawing core was notably faster than competitors like StarCraft, which is why the default resolution 'out of the box' for AoE was 800 by 600, when nearly all our competition was 640 x 480 resolution - we could scroll the screen and fill it with sprites as fast or faster even though we had twice as many pixels-ish in the game world area.

後來到 64-bit 年代就變成用 C++,主要是因為 compiler optimization 的改進,以及多 CPU 與 multi-threading 的技術,讓計算力提升很多:

I re-wrote the assembly functions into C++ for both Definitive Editions, as they are 64-bit programs, and inline assembly was never supported by the 64-bit C++ compiler, and the vastly improved register sets and compiler optimizations made it un-necessary. Additionally, sprite drawing in the definitive editions is multi-threaded, and will use up to 4 cores for that task alone.

算是時代的演進,意外的留下一些記錄... 而更後面的時代則是把這些計算 offload 到顯卡上面了。

AWS 新推出的 m7a 宣稱比 m6a 多 50% 效能?

AWS 在「Introducing Amazon EC2 M7a instances (Preview)」這邊看到 m7a 會比 m6a 快 50% 的宣稱:

These instances deliver up to 50% greater performance on average compared to M6a instances.

目前還是 preview 階段,需要申請才有機會用,所以還不知道他的真實性能是怎麼樣?另外一方面,價錢也還沒查到... 但如果價錢不要漲太多的話,算一下好像有可能跟上 ARMm7g 了?

另外這樣也就蠻值得期待會不會有 t4a

立端科技的 IIoT-I530

因為工作的關係,所以會關注一些特殊的硬體,但好像暫時找不到地方放,就丟在 blog 上面記錄好了...

這次看到的是支援一堆 PoE+ 的機器:「Tiger Lake-U system features dual 2.5GbE and six PoE+ ports」。

除了 PoE+ 以外另外有 mSATASATA 支援,然後還有一堆 M.2 的界面可以接 (好像是走 PCIe):

Lanner’s “IIoT-I530” embedded PC runs Linux on an 11th Gen U-series CPU and supplies with up to 64GB RAM, 2x 2.5GbE, 6x PoE+, 2x COM, 4x USB 3.0, 2x HDMI, 3x M.2, SATA, mSATA, and DIO.

把 blog 搬到 t4g.small 上

算了一下成本還可以接受 (機器 + 空間 + 流量),就把 blog 搬到 AWSt4g.small (ARM) 上,理論上頁面的速度應該會快不少,過幾天等穩定性沒問題後就來買 RI...

x86-64 轉到 ARM 上面,主要是 Percona Server 目前沒有提供 ARM binary 的 apt repository,所以就改用 MariaDB 了。

其他的倒是都差不多,目前的 Ubuntu + nginx + PHP 沒什麼問題,跑一陣子看看...

微軟開源 1983 年版的 GW-BASIC

微軟用 MIT License 放出 1983 年版的 GW-BASIC:「Microsoft Open-Sources GW-BASIC」。

這次放出來程式看起來是 x86 assembly,不過放出來的版本好像也不能算是「原始」的版本,而是從 "master implementation" 轉譯出來的版本:

This source was ‘translated’?

Each of the assembly source files contains a header stating This translation created 10-Feb-83 by Version 4.3

Since the Instruction Set Architecture (ISA) of the early processors used in home and personal computers weren’t spectacularly different from one another, Microsoft was able to generate a substantial amount of the code for a port from the sources of a master implementation. (Alas, sorry, we’re unable to open-source the ISA translator.)

主要還是 PR,然後帶一些考古價值...

在 x86-64 上跑 Raspberry Pi 的 OS

看到「dockerpi」這個專案,讓你可以在 x86-64 上模擬 Raspberry Pi 環境跑 Raspbian

然後整包是先透過 Docker 產出一個獨立環境,然後裡面跑 QEMU 模擬 ARM 的環境,接下來再跑 Raspbian:

A full ARM environment is created by using Docker to bootstrap a QEMU virtual machine. The Docker QEMU process virtualises a machine with a single core ARM11 CPU and 256MB RAM, just like the Raspberry Pi. The official Raspbian image is mounted and booted along with a modified QEMU compatible kernel.

這馬上讓人想到 Inception 啊 XDDD


反過來在 ARM 上面跑 x86 模擬器...

看到「Box86 - Linux Userspace x86 Emulator with a twist, targeted at ARM Linux devices」這個專案,在 ARM 的機器上跑 x86 模擬器:

然後其實作者還弄了不少東西,像是透過 GL4ES 處理 OpenGL 的界面,其實前面做的功夫比想像中高不少...

然後從作者給的範例可以看出來主力在遊戲 XDDD