OpenSSH 9.0 的 scp 與 sntrup761x25519 (Streamlined NTRU Prime)

OpenSSH 9.0 發行了,從 release-9.0 這邊可以看到重點,首先是 scp 的底層換掉,改用 SFTP 了,這點在先前「OpenSSH 的 scp 改用 SFTP 協定」這邊也有提到過:

This release switches scp(1) from using the legacy scp/rcp protocol to using the SFTP protocol by default.

另外一個是將 OpenSSH 8.9 引入的 post-quantum cipher 放入 default:

ssh(1), sshd(8): use the hybrid Streamlined NTRU Prime + x25519 key exchange method by default (""). The NTRU algorithm is believed to resist attacks enabled by future quantum computers and is paired with the X25519 ECDH key exchange (the previous default) as a backstop against any weaknesses in NTRU Prime that may be discovered in the future. The combination ensures that the hybrid exchange offers at least as good security as the status quo.

We are making this change now (i.e. ahead of cryptographically-relevant quantum computers) to prevent "capture now, decrypt later" attacks where an adversary who can record and store SSH session ciphertext would be able to decrypt it once a sufficiently advanced quantum computer is available.

查了一下 Streamlined NTRU Prime 發現有 djb 參與,而且發現頭銜上面有掛中研院:

Daniel J. Bernstein, University of Illinois at Chicago, USA, and Ruhr University Bochum, Germany, and Academia Sinica, Taiwan


Ming-Shing Chen, Academia Sinica, Taiwan

Bo-Yuan Peng, National Taiwan University and Academia Sinica, Taiwan


Bo-Yin Yang, Academia Sinica, Taiwan


Taiwanese authors were supported by Taiwan Ministry of Science and Technology Grants 108-2221-E-001-008 and 109-2221-E-001-009-MY3, Sinica Investigator Award AS-IA-109-M01, Executive Yuan Data Safety and Talent Cultivation Project (AS-KPQ-109-DSTCP).

OpenSSL 1.1.0

看到「OpenSSL 1.1.0 released」這篇得知大家期待已久的 OpenSSL 1.1.0 出了,在 1.1.0 的重要新功能中,對 ChaCha20 + Poly1305 的支援算是大家等很久的:

  • Support for ChaCha20 and Poly1305 added to libcrypto and libssl

由於 RC4 已經被證明不安全,OpenSSL 內變成沒有堪用的 stream cipher,這邊總算要補上來了...


  • Support for scrypt algorithm
  • Support for X25519
