蘋果 App Store 收費模式的改變

在「APP STORE 2.0」這邊提到了正式的訪談:

In a rare pre-WWDC sit-down interview with The Verge, Phil Schiller, Apple’s senior vice president of worldwide marketing, said that Apple would soon alter its revenue-sharing model for apps.

70/30 的拆分方式有改變,並且擴大開放的範圍:

While the well-known 70 / 30 split will remain, developers who are able to maintain a subscription with a customer longer than a year will see Apple’s cut drop down to 15 percent. The option to sell subscriptions will also be available to all developers instead of just a few kinds of apps. "Now we’re going to open up to all categories," Schiller says, "and that includes games, which is a huge category."


另外在 John Gruber 跟 Phil Schiller 的電話訪談「The New App Store: Subscription Pricing, Faster Approvals, and Search Ads」提到了更多項目。