Amazon S3 現在變成 Strong Read-After-Write Consistency 啦...

看到 Amazon S3 宣佈 Strong Read-After-Write Consistency 了:「Amazon S3 Update – Strong Read-After-Write Consistency」。


所以到這次更新之前,只有新增的 object 會保證馬上出現。現在則是 update 也會:

Effective immediately, all S3 GET, PUT, and LIST operations, as well as operations that change object tags, ACLs, or metadata, are now strongly consistent. What you write is what you will read, and the results of a LIST will be an accurate reflection of what’s in the bucket. This applies to all existing and new S3 objects, works in all regions, and is available to you at no extra charge! There’s no impact on performance, you can update an object hundreds of times per second if you’d like, and there are no global dependencies.

要注意這邊沒有提到 DELETE,所以有可能 DELETE + GET 的操作還是沒有到 strong consistency,不過句子本身意思不是很清晰,也許這幾天會有人在 forum 上面問然後有答案...

另外從公告裡面提到 Amazon EMR 團隊,看起來是 Amazon EMR 團隊一直在內部戳 Amazon S3 的團隊改善:

We’ve been working with the Amazon EMR team and developers in the open-source community to ensure that customers can take advantage of this update with their big data workloads. As a result of that you no longer need to use EMRFS Consistent View or S3Guard, further reducing the cost to run big data workloads in AWS.

Amazon Aurora MySQL 5.7 也可以上 Global Database 了

AWSAmazon Aurora MySQL 5.7 版本推出了 Amazon Aurora Global Database:「Aurora Global Database is Now Supported on Amazon Aurora MySQL 5.7」。

看起來 MySQL 系的 Global Database 就是跨區的 master-slave 架構 (所以標榜降低了 read latency,但沒有提到 write latency):

An Amazon Aurora Global Database is a single database that spans multiple AWS regions, enabling low latency global reads and disaster recovery from region-wide outages.

另外可以看到是 1 秒,所以應該是 async replication:

Aurora Global Database replicates writes in the primary region with typical latency of <1 second to secondary regions, for low latency global reads.


In disaster recovery situations, you can promote the secondary region to take full read-write responsibilities in under a minute.


在 MySQL 上遇到 Replication Lag 的解法

看到 Percona 的 blog 上寫了一篇 MySQL 遇到 replication lag 時要怎麼解決:「MySQL High Availability: Stale Reads and How to Fix Them」,另外在留言也有人提到 的解法:「How avoids and deals with replication lag」。

在業務成長到單台 MySQL server 不夠用的情況下,最簡單的擴充方式是架設 slave server,然後把應用程式裡讀取的部份導到 slave 上 (也就是 R/W split),但因為 MySQL 的 replication 是非同步的,所以有可能會發生在 master 寫入資料後 slave 還讀不到剛剛寫的資料,也就是 replication lag。

這就大概有幾種作法,一種是當發現 lag 時就回 master 讀,但通常這都會造成 master 過載... 所以另外一種改善的作法是發現 lag 時就換其他 slave 看看,但這個方法就不保證讀的到東西,因為有可能所有的 slave 都 lag。

以前遇到的時候是拆情境,預設還是 R/W split,但敏感性的資料處理以及金流相關的資料就全部都走 master。

不過文章裡的解法更一般性,在寫入時多寫一份資料,然後在 slave 等這組資料出現。唯一的缺點就是要 GC 把多寫的資料清掉...

同樣的想法,其實可以讓 MySQL 在 commit 時直接提供給 binlog 或 GTID 的資訊,然後在 slave 等待這組 binlog 或 GTID 被執行。

看起來算是很不錯的解法,不知道各家 framework 對這些方式的支援度如何...

Cloudflare 的 Workers KV

Cloudflare 推出了 Workers KV 服務:「Building With Workers KV, a Fast Distributed Key-Value Store」。

是個 key-value 結構服務 (全球性,eventually consistent,約 10 秒的同步時間),key 的限制是 2KB,value 是 64KB,一個 namespace 最多 10 億筆資料。

讀取可以到 100k+ read/s,但寫入是 1 write/s/key,可以看出來主要是為了讀取資料而設計的。

現有的 worker ($5/month) 會送一些量,包括 1GB 的空間與一千萬次的讀取:

Your $5 monthly Workers compute minimum includes 1 GB of KV storage and up to 10 million KV reads. If you use less than the 10 million included Worker requests now, you can use KV without paying a single cent more.


Beyond the minimums, Workers KV is billed at $0.50 per GB-month of additional storage and $0.50 per million additional KV reads.

這樣好像整個 blog 的基本功能都可以直接在上面跑了... 而搜尋靠外部服務,圖片與影音也可以靠外部空間協助?

Amazon S3 提供更高的存取量...

AWS 宣佈提高了 Amazon S3 的效能:「Amazon S3 Announces Increased Request Rate Performance」。

每個 S3 prefix 都可以到 5500 RPS read 與 3500 RPS write:

Amazon S3 now provides increased performance to support up to 3,500 requests per second to add data and 5,500 requests per second to retrieve data, which can save significant processing time for no additional charge. Each S3 prefix can support these request rates, making it simple to increase performance exponentially.

舊的資料可以看「Request Rate and Performance Considerations」這邊,裡面沒有明講速度,但有提到如果超過 800 RPS read 與 300 RPS write 的門檻,建議開 case:

However, if you expect a rapid increase in the request rate for a bucket to more than 300 PUT/LIST/DELETE requests per second or more than 800 GET requests per second, we recommend that you open a support case to prepare for the workload and avoid any temporary limits on your request rate.

不過如果有量的話,還是建議照著原來的 prefix 建議,打散處理會比較好,通常在前面的 CDN 通常可以跑簡單的 url rewrite 處理掉 (像是 CloudFront 自家或是 Cloudflare),像是把使用 unix timestamp (ms) 的 變成,這樣可以讓 Amazon S3 的後端依照 prefix 打散 loading,避免當站愈來愈大的時候很難處理。

在 Amazon Aurora 利用 ProxySQL 的讀寫分離提昇效能

Percona 的「Leveraging ProxySQL with AWS Aurora to Improve Performance, Or How ProxySQL Out-performs Native Aurora Cluster Endpoints」這篇有夠長的,其實就是發現 AWSAmazon Aurora 只使用 Cluster Endpoint 無法壓榨出所有效能,只有當你讀寫分離拆開 Cluster endpoint 與 Reader endpoint 時才能提昇效能。主要是在推銷 ProxySQL 啦,其他的軟體應該也能達到類似的效果...

然後這張怪怪的,應該是 copy & paste 上去的關係?

因為事後再疊 ProxySQL 進去不會太困難,一般還是建議先直接用服務本身提供的 endpoint (少了一層要維護的設備),等到有遇到效能問題時再來看是卡在哪邊,如果是 R/W split 可以解決的,才用 ProxySQL 或是其他軟體來解...

Amazon DynamoDB 的 Point-In-Time Recovery

Amazon DynamoDB 在 3/26 發出來的功能,以秒為單位的備份與還原機制:「New – Amazon DynamoDB Continuous Backups and Point-In-Time Recovery (PITR)」。


打開後就會開始記錄,最多可以還原 35 天內的任何一個時間點的資料:

DynamoDB can back up your data with per-second granularity and restore to any single second from the time PITR was enabled up to the prior 35 days.

這時候就算改變資料或是刪除資料,實際上在系統內都是 Copy-on-write 操作,所以需要另外的空間,這部份會另外計價:

Pricing for continuous backups is detailed on the DynamoDB Pricing Pages. Pricing varies by region and is based on the current size of the table and indexes. For example, in US East (N. Virginia) you pay $0.20 per GB based on the size of the data and all local secondary indexes.

有這樣的功能通常是一開始設計時就有考慮 (讓底層的資料結構可以很方便的達成這樣的效果),現在只是把功能實作出來... 像 MySQL 之類的軟體就沒辦法弄成這樣 XDDD

最後有提到支援的地區,是用條列的而不是說所有有 Amazon DynamoDB 的區域都支援:

PITR is available in the US East (N. Virginia), US East (Ohio), US West (N. California), US West (Oregon), Asia Pacific (Tokyo), Asia Pacific (Seoul), Asia Pacific (Mumbai), Asia Pacific (Singapore), Asia Pacific (Sydney), Canada (Central), EU (Frankfurt), EU (Ireland), EU (London), and South America (Sao Paulo) Regions starting today.

比對一下,應該是巴黎與美國政府用的區域沒進去... 一個是去年年底開幕的區域,另一個是本來上新功能就偏慢的區域。

Instagram 解決 Cassandra 效能問題的方法

在解決 Cassandra 效能問題中大概就 ScyllaDB 特別有名,用 C++ 重寫一次使得效能大幅改善。而 Instagram 的人則是把底層的資料結構換掉,改用 RocksDB (這公司真的很愛自家的 RocksDB...):「Open-sourcing a 10x reduction in Apache Cassandra tail latency」。

主要原因是他們發現 Cassandra 在處理資料的部份會有 JVM 的 GC 問題,而且是導致 Cassandra 效能差的主要原因:

Apache Cassandra is a distributed database with it’s own LSM tree-based storage engine written in Java. We found that the components in the storage engine, like memtable, compaction, read/write path, etc., created a lot of objects in the Java heap and generated a lot of overhead to JVM.

然後在換完後測試可以看到效能大幅提昇,也可以看到 GC 的延遲大幅降低:

In one of our production clusters, the P99 read latency dropped from 60ms to 20ms. We also observed that the GC stalls on that cluster dropped from 2.5% to 0.3%, which was a 10X reduction!

比較一下這兩者的差異:在 ScyllaDB 是全部都用 C++ 改寫 (資料結構不換),這樣就直接解決掉 JVM 的 GC 問題。在 Rocksandra 則是在 profiling 後挑重點換掉 (這邊看起來是處理資料的 code,直接換成 RocksDB),另外順便把一些界面抽象化... 兩個不一樣的解法,都解決了 JVM 的 GC 問題。

Amazon Aurora 的 Serverless 與 Multi-master

Amazon Aurora 推出了兩包玩意,第一包是 Serverless,讓需要人介入的情況更少:「In The Works – Amazon Aurora Serverless」。

在 Serverless 的第一個重點是支援以秒計費:

Today we are launching a preview (sign up now) of Amazon Aurora Serverless. Designed for workloads that are highly variable and subject to rapid change, this new configuration allows you to pay for the database resources you use, on a second-by-second basis.

然後是極為快速的 auto-scaling:

The endpoint is a simple proxy that routes your queries to a rapidly scaled fleet of database resources. This allows your connections to remain intact even as scaling operations take place behind the scenes. Scaling is rapid, with new resources coming online within 5 seconds

這兩個組合起來,讓使用端可以除了在 Amazon EC2 上可以快速 scale 外,後端的資料庫也能 scale 了...

第二個是 Multi-master 架構:「Sign Up for the Preview of Amazon Aurora Multi-Master」。

Amazon Aurora Multi-Master allows you to create multiple read/write master instances across multiple Availability Zones. This enables applications to read and write data to multiple database instances in a cluster, just as you can read across Read Replicas today.

(話說我一直都誤以為 Aurora 是 R/W master...)

Anyway,這個功能不知道怎麼疊上去的... 不笑得會不會有嚴重的 distributed lock issue,反而推薦大家平常都寫到同一台 (像是 PXC 就會這樣)。

Amazon Aurora 可以 clone 了...

Amazon Aurora 可以 clone 複製資料庫了:「Amazon Aurora Introduces Database Cloning Capabilities」。

而且是 COW 架構 (Copy on write),所以複製出來的部份不需要額外付儲存費用,只有修改的部份才要付費,這點相當殺啊:

A cloning operation does not incur any storage charges. You will only be charged for additional storage space if you make data changes.
