看到「5 Things DBAs Should Know Before Deploying MongoDB」這篇,裡面給了五個建議,其中第五點頗有趣:
5) Whenever Possible, Working Set < RAM
As with any database, fitting your data into RAM will allow for faster reads than from disk. MongoDB is no different. Knowing how much data MongoDB has to read in for your queries can help you determine how much RAM you should allocate to your database.
這樣的設計邏輯很奇怪啊,你不要扯其他 database 啊,你們家主力的 InnoDB 一直都沒有推薦要 Working Set < RAM 啊,反過來才是用 InnoDB 的常態吧,而且在 PostgreSQL 上也是這樣吧 XDDD
現在上面的文章真的是挑著看了... XD