OxideDB:另外一套用 PostgreSQL 為底的 MongoDB 相容層

看到 OxideDB 這個專案:

OxideDB is a translation layer that works as a MongoDB database server while using PostgreSQL's JSON capabilities as the underlying data store.

跟之前提到的 MangoDB 有些淵源 (參考「MangoDB:拿 PostgreSQL 當作後端的 MongoDB 相容層」),順便提一下 MangoDB 後來被要求改名為 FerretDB:「MangoDB 改名為 FerretDB (雪貂)」。

主要的差異在於 OxideDB 只以 PostgreSQL 為底層,另外是用 Rust 寫的:

The project was heavily inspired by FerretDB and is on its early days. The main difference is that there is no intention to support any database other than PostgreSQL (FerretDB is also supporting Tigris) and it's written in Rust, as opposed to Go.

看起來大家都拿 PostgreSQL 在搞事,但這個專案裡面好像沒搜到 GIN 這個關鍵字,不知道是不是連 index 都沒下...

Babelfish:讓 PostgreSQL 可以吃 Microsoft SQL Server 的協定

看到「Goodbye Microsoft SQL Server, Hello Babelfish」這篇,AWSAurora (PostgreSQL) 推出了可以吃 Microsoft SQL Server 協定的 Babelfish

Today, we are making Babelfish for Aurora PostgreSQL available. Babelfish allows Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL-Compatible Edition to understand the SQL Server wire protocol.

查了一下資料發現是去年年底的時候發表的:「Want more PostgreSQL? You just might like Babelfish」,不過當時沒注意到這東西,大概是因為是 preview 的關係:

We are open sourcing Babelfish in 2021. Until then, you can use Babelfish on Amazon Aurora in a preview to see how it works and to get a sense for whether this is the right approach for you.

用起來不知道怎樣,但感覺很值得注意,目前雖然沒用到 Microsoft SQL Server 的東西,但以後遇到可以考慮看看...

除了在 AWS 上用以外,也可以自己到 GitHub 上拉 patch 回來上:「babelfish-for-postgresql」。

話說回來,PostgreSQL 被 AWS 拿來用在好多地方啊,先前大家也猜是 DocumentDB 後面是 PostgreSQL (參考「大家在猜 Amazon DocumentDB 的底層是不是 PostgreSQL...」這篇),不知道之後會不會想要跟 Oracle 的律師打架...

Raspberry Pi 3 的新版本 Model B+

Raspberry Pi 3 推出了 Model B+ 的新版本:「Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+ on sale now at $35」。

除了 CPU 速度稍微快一些以外,另外支援了 802.11ac/5Ghz 的無線網路 (官方宣稱可以跑到 ~102Mbps,相較於先前在 2.4Ghz 只能跑到 ~35Mbps),以及更快的有線網路 (官方宣稱可以跑到 ~315Mbps,相較於先前的 ~95Mbps)。

然後是支援 PXE

Raspberry Pi 3B was our first product to support PXE Ethernet boot. Testing it in the wild shook out a number of compatibility issues with particular switches and traffic environments. Gordon has rolled up fixes for all known issues into the BCM2837B0 boot ROM, and PXE boot is now enabled by default.

以及支援 PoE 直接推動整台機器:

We use a magjack that supports Power over Ethernet (PoE), and bring the relevant signals to a new 4-pin header. We will shortly launch a PoE HAT which can generate the 5V necessary to power the Raspberry Pi from the 48V PoE supply.

或是吃更多電 XDDD

Note that Raspberry Pi 3B+ does consume substantially more power than its predecessor. We strongly encourage you to use a high-quality 2.5A power supply, such as the official Raspberry Pi Universal Power Supply.

所以看到這張圖時就不意外了 XDDD (風扇!)


Update:風扇那張圖的產品頁看起來在「Raspberry Pi PoE HAT」這頁 (參考下面的 comment)。

用 Intel 網卡上的 Flow Director 過濾封包

在「Traffic filtration using NIC capabilities on wire speed (10GE, 14Mpps)」這邊看到的技巧。

作者建議另外安裝 driver,因為 Linux kernel 內的 driver 功能有限:「Intel Ethernet Drivers and Utilities」。

重點在 ethtool 這個工具,可以看到條件設定:

ethtool --help:
        ethtool -N|-U|--config-nfc|--config-ntuple DEVNAME    Configure Rx network flow classification options or rules
        rx-flow-hash tcp4|udp4|ah4|esp4|sctp4|tcp6|udp6|ah6|esp6|sctp6 m|v|t|s|d|f|n|r... |
        flow-type ether|ip4|tcp4|udp4|sctp4|ah4|esp4
            [ src %x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x [m %x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x] ]
            [ dst %x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x [m %x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x] ]
            [ proto %d [m %x] ]
            [ src-ip %d.%d.%d.%d [m %d.%d.%d.%d] ]
            [ dst-ip %d.%d.%d.%d [m %d.%d.%d.%d] ]
            [ tos %d [m %x] ]
            [ l4proto %d [m %x] ]
            [ src-port %d [m %x] ]
            [ dst-port %d [m %x] ]
            [ spi %d [m %x] ]
            [ vlan-etype %x [m %x] ]
            [ vlan %x [m %x] ]
            [ user-def %x [m %x] ]
            [ action %d ]
            [ loc %d]] |
        delete %d

看起來 stateless 的過濾可以在上面做...