Windows 11 瘦身版本的 Tiny11

Tiny11NTDEV 弄出來的精簡版 Windows 11:「De-Bloated Windows 11 Build Runs on 2GB of RAM」。HN 上對應的討論在「De-Bloated Windows 11 Build Runs on 2GB of RAM (」。

It just uses around 8GB of space compared to the 20+GB that a standard installation does.


This OS install “is not serviceable,” notes NTDev. “.NET, drivers and security definition updates can still be installed from Windows Update,” so this isn’t an install which you can set and forget.

另外像是透過 WinSxS 安裝的功能 (包括語言) 會無法安裝:

Moreover, removing the Windows Component Store (WinSxS), which is responsible for a fair degree of Tiny11’s compactness, means that installing new features or languages isn’t possible.

但我記得拔掉 WinSxS 應該會影響蠻多東西的?這樣的系統應該是拿來跑跑 CI 或是固定用途還行,一般性的用途不知道會卡多少東西...


In testing, NTDev said that Tiny11 could “run great” on a system with just 2GB of RAM.

Windows 7 終止支援

Windows 7 跳出畫面才發現 2020/01/14 終止支援,官方的說明可以在「Windows 7 support ended on January 14, 2020」這邊看到。維基百科上也查的到資料:

Mainstream support ended on January 13, 2015.
Extended support ended on January 14, 2020.
Extended Security Updates paid in yearly installments for 1, 2, or 3 years (or free for Windows Virtual Desktop users) until at most January 10, 2023 only for Professional and Enterprise volume licensed editions.

大量授權用戶可以採購延伸授權,另外 Windows Virtual Desktop (跑在 Azure 上的版本) 則是免費提供。雖然沒有更新,但我猜可能還是會有人把 patch 整理出來讓使用者裝吧...

關閉與開啟 Windows 10 內一堆侵犯與增強隱私的設定

DuckDuckGo 前陣子整理了一篇關於如何調整 Windows 10 的文章,洋洋灑灑列了十五條方式供使用者調整:「How To Protect Privacy On Windows 10」。

像是可以將無線網路的 MAC address 隨機化的方式就頗不錯:

然後有一堆要把資料送回 Microsoft 的...