The "Ship of Theseus" article has been edited 1792 times since it was created in July of 2003. At present, 0% of the phrases in the original article (seen below) remain.
作者發現是因為 find() 找出所有的連結後 (a 元素),跑去每一個連結上面綁定事件造成的效能問題:
The .on("click") call attached a click event listener to nearly every link in the content so that the corresponding section would open if the clicked link contained a hash fragment. For short articles with few links, the performance impact was negligible. But long articles like ”United States” included over 4,000 links, leading to over 200ms of execution time on low-end devices.
Worse yet, this behavior was unnecessary. The downstream code that listened to the hashchange event already called the same method that the click event listener called. Unless the window’s location already pointed at the link’s destination, clicking a link called the checkHash method twice — once for the link click event handler and once more for the hashchange handler.
The English Wikipedia Vital Articles list was originally created in August 2004 by David Gerard as an adaptation of the metawiki List of articles every Wikipedia should have. Since then, the Vital Articles list has undergone numerous revisions by multiple editors, and has expanded to include 5 different levels of vitalness.
A vital article is one considered essential to the subjects listed. For example, it would be difficult to discuss Science without the scientific method, History without World War II, Language without Grammar, Earth science without Geology, or Civics without Democracy. Individuals within the People section represent the pinnacles of their field, such as Albert Einstein in "Inventors and scientists" or William Shakespeare in "Authors". In sections such as those pertaining to People, History or Geography, weight is given to some articles to produce a more diverse, global list.
We recently released a new interactive visualization of Wikipedia traffic by country and language. Called WiViVi, which stands for Wikipedia Views Visualized, the new visualization shows the geographic distribution of pageviews to any or all Wikipedias from two different perspectives[.]