Algolia 是一個搜尋引擎服務,他可以幫你 index 資料後,你直接 query 他取得結果。
在這篇文章裡 Algolia 決定從 Heroku 搬到 GKE:「The Challenging Migration from Heroku to Google Kubernetes Engine」。
在文章只單純就產品與技術面上的需求在討論,像是一開始討論 IP 白名單的問題:
A good example of this complexity is with IP Whitelisting. One of our customers wanted us to crawl from a fixed IP address so that they could whitelist that IP for high-rate crawling without being throttled by their load balancer. Only two engineers were developing the crawler, so we asked other colleagues to set up an HTTP proxy with a fixed IP address. Yet, as the number of customers grew, many more started asking for the same thing, and our infrastructure team told us it was time for us to take care of it ourselves.
不過我更想知道搬過去後的各類成本差異... 省了多少平台費用,以及多少維護人力的差異,不過看起來沒提到 XD