再 OSnew 上看到「Windows 10 to disallow WEP encryption」這個消息,裡面題到了 Windows 10 打算要幹掉無線網路的 WEP 支援。裡面是引用了「Windows 10 features we’re no longer developing」這則消息,可以看到除了 WEP 以外,還有 TKIP 也打算拔掉:
Since the 1903 release, a warning message has appeared when connecting to Wi-Fi networks secured with WEP or TKIP (which are not as secure as those using WPA2 or WPA3). In a future release, any connection to a Wi-Fi network using these old ciphers will be disallowed. Wi-Fi routers should be updated to use AES ciphers, available with WPA2 or WPA3.
之前去日本的時候還是有不少飯店用 WEP 啊,看起來總算有動力要淘汰了...