Kagi 開發的 Universal Summarizer

在「Universal Summarizer (kagi.com)」這邊看到的新服務,可以給出某個網址的 summary。服務的本體則是在「Kagi - Universal Summarizer」這邊,從網址可以猜測是 Kagi 的實驗項目。

像是 CNN 的「Biden’s dramatic warning to China」這篇,他抓出對應的 summary 看起來沒什麼問題:

President Joe Biden delivered a dramatic warning to China in his State of the Union address, vowing to protect America's sovereignty if China threatens it. He specifically named President Xi Jinping, saying "Name me a world leader who'd change places with Xi Jinping. Name me one!" This marked a stark escalation in the US-Chinese relationship, which has been strained by a balloon surveillance program and other issues. Biden also addressed Russia, calling their invasion of Ukraine a test for America and the world. His speech highlighted the unified opposition to China in US politics, with House Speaker Kevin McCarthy having convened a bipartisan House committee to examine the perceived threat from the Chinese Communist Party. Biden's comments also served as an important milestone in the increasingly tumultuous competition between the US and China, as the US shifts to talking about establishing guardrails for the relationship and protecting the Western-led rules-based international system.

這個功能可以用 GPT-3.5 或是 ChatGPT 串,但不確定 Kagi 是串上去還自己搞?我猜有蠻大的機會是串的...

然後他的網址設計因為是 url 傳遞的方式,可以包裝成 bookmarklet 形式放在快速列上面用:「Kagi Universal Summarizer」。

另外在 HN 的討論裡面看到很厲害的用法,把 https://bellard.org/quickjs/pi_bigdecimal.js 這段 javascript code 的 url 丟進去,然後居然出現了程式碼的說明,居然還正確判斷出是 Chudnovsky algorithm

This code uses the QuickJS bigdecimal type to calculate the value of pi to a given precision. It does this by using the Chudnovsky algorithm, which is a series of calculations that can be used to approximate pi. The code is written in Javascript and uses BigInt and BigDecimal to perform the calculations. It is interesting to note that the code also takes into account the possibility of bad rounding for the last digits, and adds extra digits to reduce the probability of this happening.

既然包了一個 bookmarklet,最近應該會常常拿出來用...

網頁本身是個合法的 JSON 的展示

Hacker News Daily 上看到「Web Data Render」這個有趣的東西,這個網頁本身是個 JSON,透過一些技巧載入 javascript 後就可以讀取資料 render...

不過網頁本身就不是合法的 HTML 了:「Showing results for https://webdatarender.com/」,只能算是個有趣的作法...


Zite 上看到「The average web page has grown 151% in just three years」,對網頁大小提出三點分析...


  • The average top 1,000 web page is 1575 KB.
  • More than half of this size is due to images.
  • Flash is on the decrease. Custom fonts are on the increase.


快超越 Flash 的使用率了?