瑞士最大的線上購物平台 Digitec Galaxus 公開維修相關資訊

前幾天的 Hacker News 上看到的消息:「Refreshingly honest – Digitec Galaxus now displays warranty score and return rate」,瑞士最大的線上購物平台 Digitec Galaxus 決定公開維修相關的資訊,討論在「Digitec Galaxus now displays warranty score and return rate (galaxus.ch)」這邊可以看到。

從文章裡面可以看到說明的圖片,主要是公開了一些數字,第一個是 return rate (退貨率):



這邊隨便抓了「ASUS ROG Strix GeForce RTX 4070 Ti OC Edition」這個看,可以看到這三個資訊:

另外在 Hacker News 討論裡面看到一些有趣的資訊,像是歐盟強制降價需要提供至少三十天價錢的歷史記錄 (但要注意瑞士不是歐盟成員國):

This is now a law enforced in European Union to display such history (at least the lowest price in last 30 or more days so customer knows if the price was not fake rised just before lowering it and calling it a sale). WooCommerce has a plugin for that now.

搜尋後可以找到應該是出自「EUR-Lex - 52021XC1229(06) - EN - EUR-Lex」這邊的 Article 6a:

1. Any announcement of a price reduction shall indicate the prior price applied by the trader for a determined period of time prior to the application of the price reduction.

2. The prior price means the lowest price applied by the trader during a period of time not shorter than 30 days prior to the application of the price reduction.

3. Member States may provide for different rules for goods which are liable to deteriorate or expire rapidly.

4. Where the product has been on the market for less than 30 days, Member States may also provide for a shorter period of time than the period specified in paragraph 2.

5. Member States may provide that, when the price reduction is progressively increased, the prior price is the price without the price reduction before the first application of the price reduction;

台灣的話因為沒有法令強制,目前需要透過第三方服務去追,像是 twbuyer.info 之類的服務,但就只有大平台才有提供了。

所以蘋果開始放鬆 iPhone 的第三方電池保固問題了?

MacRumors 上看到的,先前只要透過第三方更換電池,蘋果就會拒絕後續所有保固,現在內部文件改成不保固電池的部分,其他的元件還是會提供保固:「Apple Says iPhones With Third-Party Batteries Now Eligible for Repairs」。

iPhones with aftermarket batteries installed by third-party repair shops are now eligible for service at Genius Bars and Apple Authorized Service Providers, according to an internal Apple document obtained by MacRumors from three reliable sources.


突然想到『FTC 警告 Nintendo 與 Sony「拆封喪失保固」違反聯邦法』這篇,雖然兩者討論的主題不太一樣...

FTC 警告 Nintendo 與 Sony「拆封喪失保固」違反聯邦法

在「FTC Warns Companies ‘Warranty Void if Removed’ Stickers Are Flatly Illegal」這邊看到的新聞。FTC 的新聞稿則可以在「FTC Staff Warns Companies that It Is Illegal to Condition Warranty Coverage on the Use of Specified Parts or Services」這邊看到。

主要是因為美國的聯邦法 Magnuson–Moss Warranty Act (在 STATUTE-88-Pg2183.pdf 這邊可以看到條文 PDF,雖然看起來是掃描的圖檔,但有透過 OCR 處理讓大多數的文字都可以搜尋)。


The law does not require any product to have a warranty (it may be sold "as is"), but if it does have a warranty, the warranty must comply with this law. The law was created to fix problems as a result of manufacturers using disclaimers on warranties in an unfair or misleading manner.

其中這段條文讓 FTC 認為「拆封喪失保固」違法:

(c) No Warrantor of a consumer product may condition his written or implied warranty of such product on the consumer's using, in connection with such product, any article or service (other than article or service provided without charge under the terms of the warranty) which is identified by brand, trade, or corporate name; except that the prohibition of this subsection may be waived by the Commission if—
(1) the warrantor satisfies the Commission that the warranted product will function properly only if the article or service so identified is used in connection with the warranted product, and
(2) the Commission finds that such a waiver is in the public interest.

在 FTC 的新聞稿中提到他們發給六家警告,列出了其中三家的文字,在媒體的報導裡面也都找出來這些文字分別是從哪些公司出來的,包括了 Hyundai (現代)、Nintendo (任天堂) 以及 Sony (索尼):

“The use of [company name] parts is required to keep your… manufacturer’s warranties and any extended warranties intact.” = Hyundai.

“This warranty shall not apply if this product… is used with products not sold or licensed by” = Nintendo.

“This warranty does not apply if this product… has had the warranty seal on the [product] altered, defaced, or removed” = Sony.

不過在另外一邊,Reddit 上 Nintendo 區的討論也蠻有趣的:「FTC Staff Warns Companies that it is Illegal to Condition Warranty Coverage on the Use of Specified Parts or Services : nintendo」,裡面就稍微扯遠了一些,提到了改機之類的保固問題...

另外值得一提的是,同一家媒體在 2016 年的時候就有報導類似的事情了,不過看起來當時沒什麼改善:「Microsoft, Sony, and other companies still use illegal warranty-void-if-removed stickers」,這次由 FTC 出手應該會再更有力道一些。