Walmart 在賣場要導入機器人取代人類的工作了...

在「Walmart will soon have robots roaming the aisles in 50 stores」這邊看到 Walmart 要導入機器人取代人類的工作了,像是架上沒貨或是標籤錯誤或沒標的:

The robots go up and down the aisles, scanning for out-of-stock items, incorrect prices, and wrong or missing labels.



如果一直讓機器來換掉人類能做的事情,是不是有機會到後來就沒有工作需要做?如果當全世界都實行「無條件基本收入 (Unconditional Basic Income)」時,會不會愈來愈接近 Star Trek 裡面講到未來的經濟體系,沒有貨幣時情況?不曉得兩百年後會是什麼樣子...

Wal-Mart 與 Uber/Lyft 合作迎戰 Amazon

Amazon 透過各種技術整合的比較好 (像是先前發表無人機空運的技術 Amazon Prime Air),而 Wal-Mart 則是跟 Uber/Lyft 這樣的公司配合:「Wal-Mart Plans to Test Grocery Delivery Through Uber, Lyft」。


The move steps up competition with Amazon’s burgeoning grocery-delivery service and provides a potential new avenue of growth for Uber and Lyft. The idea is to let Wal-Mart customers pick out groceries online and then have employees fill the order and give it to one of the ride-hailing companies’ drivers. Shoppers will pay a $7-to-$10 delivery charge to Wal-Mart to have the groceries brought to their door.