自幹 VR 眼鏡

Hacker News Daily 上看到「Relativty‍ an open-source VR headset」這個自幹 VR 眼鏡的專案,專案可以在 GitHub 的「relativty/Relativty」這邊看到。

看起來是使用 3D 印表機生出配件,然後用 ArduinoCore-sam 開發軟硬體的部份,目前的系統可以在 2K 解析度下跑 120fps:

The Relativty firmware, which powers the actual physical device, is based on ArduinoCore-sam. So in addition to the Relativty Motherboard, it is compatible with Arduino Due or any other board equipped with a processor that supports the ArduinoCore.

Relativty headset runs a 2K dual-display at 120FPS. However, because of the open nature of Relativty you can use any display as long as your computer is able to handle it. From more affordable 90Hz 1080p screen to 4K panels.

不過不知道反應延遲有多高,偏高的話會有 3D 暈的問題,在網站裡面沒提到,我猜應該會是痛點... 另外看起來是想要商業化,頁面下面有 hiring 的資訊,先觀望看看好了?

Oculus 的創辦人根本就是在抱怨 Mac 太慢了 XDDD

Oculus 的創辦人 Palmer Luckey 說明為什麼在 Mac 上沒有 Rift 可以用:「Oculus Founder: Rift will come to Mac if Apple “ever releases a good computer”」。


[,] according to Oculus co-founder Palmer Luckey, it "is up to Apple" to change that state of affairs. Specifically, "if they ever release a good computer, we will do it," he told Shacknews recently.

但實際上就是在抱怨 Mac 太慢了 XDDD

"It just boils down to the fact that Apple doesn’t prioritize high-end GPUs," he said. "You can buy a $6,000 Mac Pro with the top-of-the-line AMD FirePro D700, and it still doesn’t match our recommended specs."

看起來 VR 會再促進硬體進步...