Amazon CloudWatch 支援縮放與拖拉調整時間區間

Amazon CloudWatch 的操作上支援 Zoom 與 Pan 了:「Amazon CloudWatch now supports two new chart visualization options in metrics and dashboards」。

Zoom 是改變時間的粒度:

You can use the CloudWatch console to graph metric data generated by AWS services and your applications. Now, you can zoom into a shorter time period such as one minute or five minutes while viewing the metric graph at a longer interval.

Pan 則是維持一樣的粒度,但改變開始與結束的時間:

Once zoomed, you can also pan the metric graph across your selected interval, but at a zoomed detail level.



維基百科推出了新版的介面:「Just how many people are reading Wikipedia in your country, and what language are they using?」。

We recently released a new interactive visualization of Wikipedia traffic by country and language. Called WiViVi, which stands for Wikipedia Views Visualized, the new visualization shows the geographic distribution of pageviews to any or all Wikipedias from two different perspectives[.]


不過翻牆 VPN 的不知道怎麼算...

玩 Python 下的 ggplot

在「A Dramatic Tour through Python’s Data Visualization Landscape (including ggplot and Altair)」這邊又再次看到 Python 下的 ggplot,以為還算好裝,但實際上好像有點難裝 XD

我平常用的環境是 pyenv 跑 Python 3.5.2。而跑 ggplot 需要用到 _tkinter,這個模組,而這個模組在 Python 3 應該是內建的... 只要你有先裝 tk-dev @_@

所以在弄了半天發現這個問題後,先把 tk-dev 補裝上,再重新安裝 Python 3.5.2:

$ sudo apt-get install tk-dev
$ pyenv install -f 3.5.2
$ pip install -U ggplot


p = ggplot(...) + ...'a.png')

另外資料的物件要透過 DataFrame 產生出來,反正不少枚枚角角的細節要了解後才知道怎麼用 @_@

Anyway,程式碼可以在 這邊翻到,人口資料則是從中文維基百科的「臺灣人口普查」這邊拉出來的,最後產生出來的圖片會是這樣:

算是牛刀小試... 話說 theme_xkcd() 效果頗不賴 XDDD