從 EC2 的價格表上發現 AWS 多了好多區...

剛剛翻 Amazon EC2 的價格頁面,發現多了好多有趣的區域,多了不少 ISP-based 的區域,像是 VerizonKDDI 以及 SKT


Automattic (WordPress.com 的公司) 買下 Tumblr

Verizon 一直在把 Yahoo! 手上比較有價值的資產賣掉,總算是輪到 Tumblr 了,這次是賣給了 Automattic,也就是 WordPress.com 營運的公司。

Verizon 已經發新聞稿了:「Verizon Media announces sale of Tumblr to Automattic」,Tumblr 的 staff blog 上也發表了:「Hello Tumblr ? Today, Tumblr’s owner, Verizon...」,但 Automattic 這邊還沒看到:「Features, news, and more: See what’s been going on in Automattic’s world.」。

金額不確定多少,但感覺應該算是好事?不知道之前的 porn content 會不會回流...

Pornhub 想買 Tumblr?

看到 Pornhub 想要買 Tumblr 的新聞:「Pornhub wants to buy Tumblr and restore site to former porn-filled glory」。

如果是其他家買可能還沒感覺,但如果是 Pornhub 買的話真的有機會恢復往日榮光的感覺?當然本來已經被迫離開的那些人應該是不會回來...

Microsoft 啟用自己的 CDN 了...

在朋友的 tweet 裡看到微軟啟用自己的 Azure CDN 了,先前應該是提供 AkamaiEdgeCast 的服務:「Announcing Microsoft's own Content Delivery Network」。

看圖似乎是有台灣的點,不過我找不到可以測試 traceroute 的 endpoint,頁面上用的圖還是 EdgeCast 的啊 XDDD

azurecomcdn.azureedge.net. 1604 IN      CNAME   azurecomcdn.ec.azureedge.net.
azurecomcdn.ec.azureedge.net. 3404 IN   CNAME   cs9.wpc.v0cdn.net.
cs9.wpc.v0cdn.net.      3404    IN      A

然後公測期間優惠價 50%:

Azure Content Delivery Network Standard from Verizon (S1) and Akamai (S2) and Microsoft (S3)*
*S3 is currently in public preview. CDN rates will be 50% of the stated price during this period.

Yahoo! 的資料外洩數量超過之前公佈的十億筆,上升到三十億筆

Oath (Y! 的新東家,Verizon 持股) 發表了新的通報,外洩數量直接上升到 3 billion 了:「Yahoo provides notice to additional users affected by previously disclosed 2013 data theft」。


Subsequent to Yahoo's acquisition by Verizon, and during integration, the company recently obtained new intelligence and now believes, following an investigation with the assistance of outside forensic experts, that all Yahoo user accounts were affected by the August 2013 theft.

在「Yahoo says all 3 billion user accounts were impacted by 2013 security breach」這邊的報導則是寫的比較清楚,把當時的使用者數字翻出來:

Yahoo today announced that the huge data breach in August 2013 affected every user on its service — that’s all three billion user accounts and up from the initial one billion figure Yahoo initially reported.

2013 這包用的是 MD5 hash,以現在的運算能力來看,可以當作沒有 hash...:

The stolen user account information may have included names, email addresses, telephone numbers, dates of birth, hashed passwords (using MD5) and, in some cases, encrypted or unencrypted security questions and answers.

已經是 "all" 了,接下來要更大包只能是其他主題了...

EdgeCast 總算記得要推出 HTTP/2 了...

每次看到 EdgeCast 的業務都會抱怨一下,總算正式公佈了...

EdgeCast 的 HTTP/2 預定在 2017/03/31 全面上線:「HTTP/2 Coming Soon to Our Customers with SSL Certificates!」。

由於是逐步上線,有些網站會在 3/31 前就生效 (像是 EdgeCast 的官網):

The rollout of HTTP/2 will be gradual, and you may start to see some of your content being delivered over HTTP/2 before March 31.

Verizon 打算買下 EdgeCast...

Verizon 已經放出消息要買下 EdgeCast:「Verizon Plans to Acquire EdgeCast Networks」。

Verizon 現在提供的 Akamai 服務應該會被拿出來重新評估 (「Content Delivery Network」這頁),很有可能會在約滿後就不續約了?

另外一方面,EdgeCast 被併入大公司後能夠發展到什麼程度呢...