因應 Manifest V3 而推出的 uBlock Minus (MV3)

前幾天在 Hacker News 上看到「“UBO Minus (MV3)” – An Experimental uBlock Origin Build for Manifest V3 (github.com/gorhill)」這個,裡面是 uBlock Origin 的作者 Raymond Hill 針對 Manifest V3 的半殘版,取名為 uBO Minus (MV3):「Add experimental mv3 version」。

在這個版本裡會有不少的功能失效,尤其是用的很多的 cosmetic filtering:

- No cosmetic filtering (##)
- No scriptlet injection (##+js)
- No redirect= filters
- No csp= filters
- No removeparam= filters

這個版本應該是打算要提供給 Manifest V2 被 Google 廢掉後還在用 Google 控制的瀏覽器的人,依照「Manifest V2 support timeline」這邊看起來是明年一月:

qBittorrent 支援 BitTorrent v2

在「Thursday January 06th 2022 - qBittorrent v4.4.0 release」這邊可以看到 qBittorrent v4.4.0 支援 BitTorrent v2 (BEP 52) 了:

FEATURE: Support for v2 torrents along with libtorrent 2.0.x support (glassez, Chocobo1)

先前在「libtorrent 宣佈支援 BitTorrent v2」這邊有提到過 libtorrent 要支援 BitTorrent v2 的消息,而 qBittorrent 算是 libtorrent 的使用大戶,支援 BitTorrent v2 後會讓 BitTorrent v2 的使用率增加不少。

用了一年多才出現一個比較大的 client 跳進去支援,看起來大家的動力的確不高...

BiglyBT 支援 BitTorrent v2

先前提到的「libtorrent 宣佈支援 BitTorrent v2」,BiglyBT 整合完了:「BiglyBT is the First Torrent Client to Support the BitTorrent V2 Spec」。

看了一下 BiglyBT 的介紹,主要是因為當初 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vuze 變成 adware 之後分支出來的:

BiglyBT is a feature filled, open source, ad-free, bittorrent client.

BiglyBT is the continuation of the Vuze/Azureus open source project first created in 2003, and is being actively developed by the original coders.

不過這是 Java 寫的 client,目前需求也不大,我自己應該還是會繼續等 qBittorrent 支援,看起來在這邊:「BitTorrent v2 #13344」,不過現在看起來沒什麼進展...

Onion Service 第二版的退場計畫

Tor 這邊給出了 Onion Service v2 的退場計畫:「Onion Service version 2 deprecation timeline」,關於 v2 與 v3 的差異,可以參考之前寫的「下一代的 Tor Hidden Service」,裡面有提到 v3 的 spec。

v2 與 v3 最大的差異就是本來 v2 的 hostname 是 16 個英數字 (大約是 80-bit security),現在 v3 變成是 56 個英數字 (大約是 280-bit security),大幅降低 collision 的機會。

目前公佈的時間表是在 2020 年九月先拋警告出來,2021 年七月拔掉 server 支援,2021 年十月拔掉 client 支援:

1. September 15th, 2020
0.4.4.x: Tor will start warning onion service operators and clients that v2 is deprecated and will be obsolete in version 0.4.6.

2. July 15th, 2021
0.4.6.x: Tor will no longer support v2 and support will be removed from the code base.

3. October 15th, 2021
We will release new Tor client stable versions for all supported series that will disable v2.


Amazon S3 要拿掉 Path-style 存取方式

Hacker News 上翻的時候翻到的公告:「Announcement: Amazon S3 will no longer support path-style API requests starting September 30th, 2020」。

現有的兩種方法,一種是把 bucket name 放在 path (V1),另外一種是把 bucket name 放在 hostname (V2):

Amazon S3 currently supports two request URI styles in all regions: path-style (also known as V1) that includes bucket name in the path of the URI (example: //s3.amazonaws.com/<bucketname>/key), and virtual-hosted style (also known as V2) which uses the bucket name as part of the domain name (example: //<bucketname>.s3.amazonaws.com/key).

這次要淘汰的是 V1 的方式,預定在 2020 年十月停止服務 (服務到九月底):

Customers should update their applications to use the virtual-hosted style request format when making S3 API requests before September 30th, 2020 to avoid any service disruptions. Customers using the AWS SDK can upgrade to the most recent version of the SDK to ensure their applications are using the virtual-hosted style request format.

Virtual-hosted style requests are supported for all S3 endpoints in all AWS regions. S3 will stop accepting requests made using the path-style request format in all regions starting September 30th, 2020. Any requests using the path-style request format made after this time will fail.