作者為了在 Linux 下進行安全分析而弄出來的計畫:「Porting Windows Dynamic Link Libraries to Linux」。
作者對 Windows 的架構有不少抱怨 XDDD
Distributed, scalable fuzzing on Windows can be challenging and inefficient. This is especially true for endpoint security products, which use complex interconnected components that span across kernel and user space. This often requires spinning up an entire virtualized Windows environment to fuzz them or collect coverage data.
This is less of a problem on Linux, and I've found that porting components of Windows Antivirus products to Linux is often possible. This allows me to run the code I’m testing in minimal containers with very little overhead, and easily scale up testing.
This is just personal opinion, but I also think Linux has better tools. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
而這個專案跟 WineHQ 完整模擬不一樣,這只是給 Linux 下原生的程式使用 Windows 下 DLL 內的功能:
This project does not replace Wine or Winelib.
Winelib is used to port Windows C++ projects to Linux, and Wine is intended to run full Windows applications. This project is intended to allow native Linux code to load simple Windows DLLs.
The closest analogy would be ndiswrapper but for userspace.
作者拿了 Windows Defender 當範例,示範在 Linux 下呼叫 Windows 的 DLL...