AMD 推出 FidelityFX Super Resolution

AMD 推出了功能上類似於 NvidiaDLSS 的技術,叫做 FidelityFX Super Resolution (FSR),並且 open source 出來:「AMD FidelityFX Super Resolution is Here」,另外可以看一下 GPUOpen 官方網站裡面的內容。

DLSS 的機制上可以這樣解釋,遊戲輸出 1080p,透過 machine learning 運算的方式將畫質提升到 2K 或是 4K,這樣比起遊戲直接要計算 2K 或是 4K 的輸出內容,運算量可能會比較少。

不過 DLSS 只能跑在 RTX 20xx 與 30xx 系列的顯卡上,以前的舊顯卡不支援。而先前 AMD 公佈 FSR 的時候,除了是宣示 AMD 也推出類似的技術外,另外一個賣點是 FSR 可以跑在 Nvidia 的顯卡上。

而這次的消息則是又多說明了 open source 的釋出部份,將在七月中放出來:「AMD FidelityFX Super Resolution is Here」。

The source code for FidelityFX Super Resolution 1.0 will be coming to GPUOpen in mid July!


即時將動畫 Upscale 到 4K 畫質的演算法


Anime4K is a state-of-the-art*, open-source, high-quality real-time anime upscaling algorithm that can be implemented in any programming language.

State of the art* as of August 2019 in the real time anime upscaling category, the fastest at acheiving reasonable quality. We do not claim this is a superior quality general purpose SISR algorithm compared to machine learning approaches.

他們提供的數據顯示 1080p -> 2160p (4K) 只要 3ms,對於 60fps 來說是相當足夠,而品質看起來也還不錯。

其中一個蠻有趣的問答是 1080p -> 2160p 反而比 480p -> 720p 簡單,因為 1080p 裡面因為有更多資料量,所以處理起來比較簡單:

Why not do PSNR/SSIM on 480p->720p upscaling
Story Time

Comparing PSNR/SSIM on 480p->720p upscales does not prove and is not a good indicator of 1080p->2160p upscaling quality. (Eg. poor performance of waifu2x on 1080p anime) 480p anime images have a lot of high frequency information (lines might be thinner than 1 pixel), while 1080p anime images have a lot of redundant information. 1080p->2160p upscaling on anime is thus objectively easier than 480p->720p.