Kagi 開發的 Universal Summarizer

在「Universal Summarizer (kagi.com)」這邊看到的新服務,可以給出某個網址的 summary。服務的本體則是在「Kagi - Universal Summarizer」這邊,從網址可以猜測是 Kagi 的實驗項目。

像是 CNN 的「Biden’s dramatic warning to China」這篇,他抓出對應的 summary 看起來沒什麼問題:

President Joe Biden delivered a dramatic warning to China in his State of the Union address, vowing to protect America's sovereignty if China threatens it. He specifically named President Xi Jinping, saying "Name me a world leader who'd change places with Xi Jinping. Name me one!" This marked a stark escalation in the US-Chinese relationship, which has been strained by a balloon surveillance program and other issues. Biden also addressed Russia, calling their invasion of Ukraine a test for America and the world. His speech highlighted the unified opposition to China in US politics, with House Speaker Kevin McCarthy having convened a bipartisan House committee to examine the perceived threat from the Chinese Communist Party. Biden's comments also served as an important milestone in the increasingly tumultuous competition between the US and China, as the US shifts to talking about establishing guardrails for the relationship and protecting the Western-led rules-based international system.

這個功能可以用 GPT-3.5 或是 ChatGPT 串,但不確定 Kagi 是串上去還自己搞?我猜有蠻大的機會是串的...

然後他的網址設計因為是 url 傳遞的方式,可以包裝成 bookmarklet 形式放在快速列上面用:「Kagi Universal Summarizer」。

另外在 HN 的討論裡面看到很厲害的用法,把 https://bellard.org/quickjs/pi_bigdecimal.js 這段 javascript code 的 url 丟進去,然後居然出現了程式碼的說明,居然還正確判斷出是 Chudnovsky algorithm

This code uses the QuickJS bigdecimal type to calculate the value of pi to a given precision. It does this by using the Chudnovsky algorithm, which is a series of calculations that can be used to approximate pi. The code is written in Javascript and uses BigInt and BigDecimal to perform the calculations. It is interesting to note that the code also takes into account the possibility of bad rounding for the last digits, and adds extra digits to reduce the probability of this happening.

既然包了一個 bookmarklet,最近應該會常常拿出來用...

CVE-2021-32471 發了一個 1967 年電腦的安全性漏洞?

Hacker News 首頁上看到好幾則都在講 CVE-2021-32471

Insufficient input validation in the Marvin Minsky 1967 implementation of the Universal Turing Machine allows program users to execute arbitrary code via crafted data. For example, a tape head may have an unexpected location after the processing of input composed of As and Bs (instead of 0s and 1s). NOTE: the discoverer states "this vulnerability has no real-world implications."


在一台電腦上多畫面與多鍵盤滑鼠操作遊戲:Universal Split Screen

Hacker News Daily 上看到這款工具,可以在 Windows 上把拆出多個畫面,並且提供給不同的鍵盤與滑鼠使用:「Universal Split Screen」,而且是 open source 專案 (使用 MIT License),程式碼在 UniversalSplitScreen/UniversalSplitScreen 這邊。

理論上只要不是太吃資源的遊戲,應該都適合這個方法搞 (從他列出來的遊戲列表看起來,似乎都不會太吃 CPU 與顯卡)。

另外在想是不是也可以拿給其他用途使用,像是 PuTTY 之類的程式?

第九巡迴上訴法院:DMCA takedown notification 必須先確認是否為合理使用 (Fair Use)

出自 EFF 的「Takedown Senders Must Consider Fair Use, Ninth Circuit Rules」這篇,案件可以參考「Lenz v. Universal Music Corp.」這篇,或是 EFF 整理的「Lenz v. Universal」這篇,由 EFF 發起訴訟控告環球侵犯合理使用權:

The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) filed suit against Universal Music Publishing Group (UMPG) asking a federal court to protect the fair use and free speech rights of a mother who posted a short video of her toddler son dancing to a Prince song on the Internet.

起因在於 Stephanie Lenz 上傳了一段 29 秒的影片,背景有 Let's Go Crazy 這首歌的音樂,而被環球發 DMCA takedown notification 下架:

Stephanie Lenz's 29-second recording shows her son bouncing along to the Prince song "Let's Go Crazy " which is heard playing in the background. Lenz uploaded the home video to YouTube in February to share it with her family and friends.

後來 Stephanie Lenz 發出 counter notification 並且控告環球濫用 DMCA notification:

In late June 2007, Lenz sent YouTube a counter-notification, claiming fair use and requesting the video be reposted. Six weeks later, YouTube reposted the video. In July 2007, Lenz sued Universal for misrepresentation under the DMCA and sought a declaration from the court that her use of the copyrighted song was non-infringing. According to the DMCA 17 U.S.C. § 512(c)(3)(A)(v), the copyright holder must consider whether use of the material was allowed by the copyright owner or the law.

而環球直接挑明不在意 fair use:

In September 2007, Prince released statements that he intended to "reclaim his art on the internet." In October 2007, Universal released a statement amounting to the fact that Prince and Universal intended to remove all user-generated content involving Prince from the internet as a matter of principle.

於是雙方就從 2007 年開始一路打官司,首先的判決是地方法院認為 DMCA takedown 必須確認侵權事實才能發,這包括了要確認 fair use:

The district court held that copyright owners must consider fair use before issuing DMCA takedown notices. Thus, the district court denied Universal's motion to dismiss Lenz's claims, and declined to dismiss Lenz's misrepresentation claim as a matter of law.

同時認為環球濫用 DMCA takedown notification:

The district court believed that Universal's concerns over the burden of considering fair use were overstated, as mere good faith consideration of fair use, not necessarily an in-depth investigation, is sufficient defense against misrepresentation. The court also explained that liability for misrepresentation is crucial in an important part of the balance in the DMCA.

然後就是一路往上打,打到前幾天第九巡迴上訴法院宣佈維持原來判決定案。這是官方放出的 PDF:「UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALSFOR THE NINTH CIRCUIT (PDF)」。Summary 的部份提到這次判決的結論:

The panel held that the DMCA requires copyright holders to consider fair use before sending a takedown notification, and that failure to do so raises a triable issue as to whether the copyright holder formed a subjective good faith belief that the use was not authorized by law.

這個判決使得目前使用機器自動無條件送 takedown notification 的程式也會受到規範,後續看 EFF 怎麼出招了...

YouTube (Google) 允許環球唱片 (Universal Music Group,UMG) 直接移除非 UMG 所擁有版權的影片

依照環球唱片 (Universal Music Group,UMG) 提供給法院的文件中,YouTube (也就是 Google) 允許 UMG 透過 YouTube 的 CMS (Content Management System) 移除「不屬於 UMG 的影片」:「Google Deal Allegedly Lets UMG Wipe YouTube Videos It Doesn't Own」,文件 (PDF) 在:「gov.uscourts.cand.248875.14.0.pdf」這邊可以下載取得。


The UMG-YouTube agreement grants UMG rights to effect the removal of user-posted videos through YouTube’s Content Management System (“CMS”), based on a number of contractually specified criteria that are not limited to the infringements of copyrights owned or controlled by UMG. Klaus Decl., Ex. 4 (Klaus to Kavanaugh letter, Dec. 14, 2011). Dotcom speculates in his declaration that Universal must have sent a so-called “DMCA notification form,” such as the one he printed and attached at Ex. E to his declaration, to YouTube. Doctcom Decl. ¶ 11. But UMG (which interacts with YouTube) does not use that form when requesting the removal of material pursuant to UMG’s contract with YouTube. UMG uses YouTube’s automated CMS system.
