在 Raspberry Pi (32-bit) 上安裝 Tor

Raspbian (bullseye) 裡面的 Tor 版本太舊 ( (/var/lib/apt/lists/raspbian.raspberrypi.org_raspbian_dists_bullseye_main_binary-armhf_Packages)
 Description Language: 
                 File: /var/lib/apt/lists/raspbian.raspberrypi.org_raspbian_dists_bullseye_main_binary-armhf_Packages
                  MD5: 9106e8e4b3843ebd532ba2b89615a92e
 Description Language: 
                 File: /var/lib/dpkg/status
                  MD5: 9106e8e4b3843ebd532ba2b89615a92e


Oct  4 10:55:58 myserver Tor[991]: http status 400 ("Tor version is insecure or unsupported. Please upgrade!") response from dirserver Please correct.

本來想說可以裝 Tor 官方的版本 (官方有提供 apt repository),結果發現官方不支援 Raspberry Pi 一代用的 armhf 了,只好另外找...

然後翻到「http://raspbian.raspberrypi.org/raspbian/pool/main/t/tor/」這邊有看到新版的 deb 檔案,但拉下來後發現 dependency 需要 libssl3,在 bullseye 上面沒辦法跑。

後來在 Reddit 上翻到有人貼出來的 workaround:「How do I update my TOR relay on a 32-bit armhf bullseye system (Raspberry Pi 3) to the latest version?」,方法是去 Debian 那邊挖 bullseye-backport:「Debian -- Package Download Selection -- tor_0.4.7.13-1~bpo11+1_armhf.deb」。

拉下來以後直接 dpkg -i 幹進去,然後重跑 Tor 看 /var/log/syslog 內容,發現就連上了。

不是最新版 0.4.8.x,但至少能用...?

Tor 的 Onion 導入防禦機制,在遭受 DoS 的時候要求用戶端執行 PoW 任務

在「Introducing Proof-of-Work Defense for Onion Services」這邊看到 0.4.8 的新機制,當 Onion 服務受到 DoS 時,會需要 client 提供 PoW 證明,有證明的會優先處理:

Tor's PoW defense is a dynamic and reactive mechanism, remaining dormant under normal use conditions to ensure a seamless user experience, but when an onion service is under stress, the mechanism will prompt incoming client connections to perform a number of successively more complex operations. The onion service will then prioritize these connections based on the effort level demonstrated by the client.

主要原因是傳統遇到 DoS 時可以透過 IP address 之類的資訊設計阻擋機制,但在 Onion 服務裡面沒有這個資訊,所以需要其他方式阻擋:

The inherent design of onion services, which prioritizes user privacy by obfuscating IP addresses, has made it vulnerable to DoS attacks and traditional IP-based rate limits have been imperfect protections in these scenarios. In need of alternative solutions, we devised a proof-of-work mechanism involving a client puzzle to thwart DoS attacks without compromising user privacy.

這個 PoW 機制的說明可以在「torspec/proposals/327-pow-over-intro.txt」這邊看到,看起來是三年前 (2020/04/02) 就提出來了,直到 0.4.8 才推出。

裡面有提到 PoW 的演算法是用 Equi-X

For our proof-of-work function we will use the Equi-X scheme by tevador [REF_EQUIX].

看起來是個方法,而且從 cryptocurrency 後大家對 PoW 的用法愈來愈熟悉了,在這邊用還不錯...

Mullvad 也推出了自家的瀏覽器

Hacker News 上看到 VPN 廠商 Mullvad 也推出了自家的瀏覽器,Mullvad Browser:「The Mullvad Browser (mullvad.net)」。

改自 Tor Browser,最底層是 Firefox,然後開起來看,內建了三個套件:

然後因為是基於 Tor Browser,所以許多的預設值會更偏向強化隱私性的設定,這點可以從 fingerprint.com 這邊測發現,每次重開瀏覽器會是不一樣的值,這代表用 canvas 的網站有一定機會會掛掉... 另外會有一些不方便的地方,像是時間相關的設定因為要隱藏 timezone,所以 server 端無法取得 client 的正確時間資訊。

而在 FAQ 裡面有提到,Mullvad Browser 不允許你透過 cookie 記錄登入資訊:

How do I stay logged into specific websites between sessions?
It’s not possible. It’s an action to combat tracking.

所以這個瀏覽器的定位不會是給你當作一般用的... 但這樣的話我更偏好用 Tor Browser?

Tor 的 Rust 計畫 Arti 推進到 1.0.0 版

在「Arti 1.0.0 is released: Our Rust Tor implementation is ready for production use.」這邊看到 TorRust 計畫進入了 1.0.0 版。

不過每次編 Rust 的東西都會發現 Rust 版本不夠新,這次也不例外,就不知道是 Rust community 的特性還是真的太少用 Rust...

    Updating crates.io index
  Downloaded arti v1.0.0
error: failed to parse manifest at `/home/gslin/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/arti-1.0.0/Cargo.toml`

Caused by:
  feature `edition2021` is required

  this Cargo does not support nightly features, but if you
  switch to nightly channel you can add
  `cargo-features = ["edition2021"]` to enable this feature

rustup update 更新後就能編了,然後跑起來看起來沒什麼問題:

$ arti proxy -p 9150
2022-09-03T17:13:30.234032Z  INFO arti: Starting Arti 1.0.0 in SOCKS proxy mode on port 9150...
2022-09-03T17:13:30.238606Z  INFO tor_circmgr: We now own the lock on our state files.
2022-09-03T17:13:30.238652Z  INFO tor_dirmgr: Didn't get usable directory from cache.
2022-09-03T17:13:30.238674Z  INFO arti::socks: Listening on
2022-09-03T17:13:30.238686Z  INFO arti::socks: Listening on [::1]:9150.
2022-09-03T17:13:30.238713Z  INFO tor_dirmgr::bootstrap: 1: Looking for a consensus.
2022-09-03T17:13:33.833304Z  INFO tor_dirmgr::bootstrap: 1: Downloading certificates for consensus (we are missing 9/9).
2022-09-03T17:13:34.335754Z  INFO tor_dirmgr::bootstrap: 1: Downloading microdescriptors (we are missing 6629).
2022-09-03T17:13:41.041683Z  INFO tor_dirmgr::state: The current consensus is fresh until 2022-09-03 17:00:00.0 +00:00:00, and valid until 2022-09-03 19:00:00.0 +00:00:00. I've picked 2022-09-03 18:35:38.290798754 +00:00:00 as the earliest time to replace it.
2022-09-03T17:13:41.061978Z  INFO tor_dirmgr: Marked consensus usable.
2022-09-03T17:13:41.065536Z  INFO tor_dirmgr: Directory is complete.
2022-09-03T17:13:41.065557Z  INFO tor_dirmgr: We have enough information to build circuits.
2022-09-03T17:13:41.065564Z  INFO arti: Sufficiently bootstrapped; system SOCKS now functional.

curl 測試也的確是 Tor 的 exit node 了:

$ curl -i --socks5 https://httpbin.org/ip
HTTP/2 200 
date: Sat, 03 Sep 2022 17:21:20 GMT
content-type: application/json
content-length: 32
server: gunicorn/19.9.0
access-control-allow-origin: *
access-control-allow-credentials: true

  "origin": ""

$ host domain name pointer tor.localhost.lu.

看起來 client 的功能能用了...

Tor 支援 congestion control

Tor 首度在協定內支援了 congestion control:「Congestion Control Arrives in Tor 0.4.7-stable!」。


Tor has released, the first stable Tor release with support for congestion control. Congestion control will eliminate the speed limit of current Tor, as well as reduce latency by minimizing queue lengths at relays. It will result in significant performance improvements in Tor, as well as increased utilization of our network capacity.

之所以沒有辦法直接利用 packet loss 的方式讓 TCP network stack 直接判斷 congestion control,是因為這樣會產生 side channel:

Crucially, we rejected mechanisms to provide congestion control by allowing packet drops, due to the ability to introduce end-to-end side channels in the packet drop pattern.

所以 Tor 得自己實做 congestion control 演算法,選擇的演算法是結合了 Vegas 的 Tor-Vegas,可以看到在實驗中,德國與香港的 exit node 效率大幅提昇:

另外也因為 也出來一個禮拜了,也可以看到 Advertised Bandwidth (算是 Tor network 觀察到的 bandwidth) 開始成長:

另外一個重要的點是 UDP 的支援計畫,看起來在這次改善後也比較有可行性了:

The astute reader will note that we rejected datagram transports. However, this does not mean that Tor will never carry UDP traffic. On the contrary, congestion control deployment means that queue delay and latency will be much more stable and predictable. This will enable us to carry UDP without packet drops in the network, and only drop UDP at the edges, when the congestion window becomes full. We are hopeful that this new behavior will match what existing UDP protocols expect, allowing their use over Tor.

使用 Tor 的 .onion 位置,而非透過 Exit Node 存取網站的好處

在「Twitter 的 Tor Onion 位置」與「BBC 這次拿出短波廣播...」這兩篇我都有在懷疑為什麼要提供 Tor.onion 位置,不是直接透過 exit node 連出去就好了嗎,結果今天看到「Why offer an Onion Address rather than just encourage browsing-over-Tor?」這篇在解釋。

對使用者來說,用 .onion 的好處是隱私性會更好,因為 exit node 本身不一定安全,必須透過 HTTPS 保護才有基本的防護,而且就算用了 HTTPS 還是可以從 HTTPS 的 handshake 得到不少資訊。

對網路本身來說,exit node 算是稀缺資源,大多數人可以架 Tor 的 relay node,但沒辦法做 exit node,因為 exit node 的特性會導致常常收到各種警告。因此能用 .onion 位置存取,也會降低對 exit node 的壓力。

另外 CA/Browser 在 2020 的時候就允許發出 .onion 憑證:「讓 Tor 的 .onion 支援 HTTPS」,看起來應該也是多一層保護...

Twitter 的 Tor Onion 位置

Hacker News 上看到「Twitter is now available on Tor (help.twitter.com)」這篇,講 Twitter 官方的說明裡面有提到 Tor 的 Onion 服務:「About twitter.com supported browsers」。


看起來這些開頭為 twitter 的 domain 是撞出來的... 不過還是討問題,如果已經可以用 Tor 的話,exit node 應該夠用?

BBC 這次拿出短波廣播...

Hacker News Daily 上看到的,BBC 這次戰爭拿出短波廣播發送訊號,讓烏克蘭地區的人,以及一部分俄羅斯的人可以收到 BBC 的新聞:「BBC resurrects WWII-era shortwave broadcasts as Russia blocks news of Ukraine invasion」。

The BBC says its shortwave broadcasts will be available on frequencies of 15735 kHz from 4PM to 6PM and 5875 kHz from 10PM to midnight, Ukraine time. News will be read in English, which the BBC says will be available in Kyiv as well as “parts of Russia.”

主要還是用到短波廣播可以傳很遠,以及難以封鎖的特性,相較於 internet 容易被牆掉所以被拿來用...

另外 BBC 也提供了 Onion 的版本,讓俄羅斯的人可以翻出來看 BBC 的新聞:

The BBC’s current onion domain is: https://www.bbcnewsd73hkzno2ini43t4gblxvycyac5aw4gnv7t2rccijh7745uqd.onion.

不過有 Tor 的話基本上可以直接從 exit node 看,好像沒有必要特別用 Onion 位置...

對 Tor 網路的攻擊

在「Is “KAX17” performing de-anonymization Attacks against Tor Users?」這邊看到針對 Tor 網路攻擊的一些說明...

BTCMITM20 這組比較好理解,目標也比較明確:

primary motivation: financial profit (by replacing bitcoin addresses in tor exit traffic)

KAX17 這組看起來就比較像是政府單位在後面掛:

motivation: unknown; plausible: Sybil attack; collection of tor client and/or onion service IP addresses; deanonymization of tor users and/or onion services

其中可以看到同時掌握了不少 hop,這樣就很有機會一路串起來:

To provide a worst-case snapshot, on 2020–09–08 KAX17's overall tor network visibility would allow them to de-anonymize tor users with the following probabilities:

  • first hop probability (guard) : 10.34%
  • second hop probability (middle): 24.33%
  • last hop probability (exit): 4.6%

由於 Tor 是匿名網路,目前最好的防禦方式還是讓更多人參與加入節點,降低單一團體可以取得足夠組出的資料... 之後找機會整理一下跑了一年多 exit node 的想法好了。


看到「Exploiting custom protocol handlers for cross-browser tracking in Tor, Safari, Chrome and Firefox」這個方式,跨瀏覽器收集 fingerprint 追蹤。

這次用的方式是透過 handler 追:

The scheme flooding vulnerability allows an attacker to determine which applications you have installed. In order to generate a 32-bit cross-browser device identifier, a website can test a list of 32 popular applications and check if each is installed or not. On average, the identification process takes a few seconds and works across desktop Windows, Mac and Linux operating systems.

最近大家比較常使用到的應該就是 Zoom 從網頁把應用程式帶起來的方式:

而要怎麼偵測的部份,用到了不同瀏覽器的 side channel。

Chromium 系列的部份對應的 ticket 在「Issue 1096610: External Protocol handler anti-flood protection is ineffective and flaky」這邊有被提出來。主要用到的方法是,在遇到有 handler 時,連打兩次時會被擋下:

被擋下後再打都會失敗,所以需要一個方式重設 flag,而內建的 Chrome PDF Viewer 剛好可以重設 flag:

The built-in Chrome PDF Viewer is an extension, so every time your browser opens a PDF file it resets the scheme flood protection flag. Opening a PDF file before opening a custom URL makes the exploit functional.

Firefox 的 side channel 則是可以透過 same-origin policy 測試當作 side channel,對應的 ticket 在「Scheme flooding technique for reliable cross-browser fingerprinting」這邊:

Every time you navigate to an unknown URL scheme, Firefox will show you an internal page with an error. This internal page has a different origin than any other website, so it is impossible to access it because of the Same-origin policy limitation. On the other hand, a known custom URL scheme will be opened as about:blank, whose origin will be accessible from the current website.

Safari 上的問題與 Firefox 一樣,不過沒登入看不到 ticket (也懶的註冊了):

You are not authorized to access bug #225769. To see this bug, you must first log in to an account with the appropriate permissions.

另外,雖然 Tor Browser 底層是 Firefox,但因為有改變預設值,所以攻擊者也得換方法:

Tor Browser is based on the Firefox source code, so the Same-origin policy trick was used here as well. But because Tor Browser does not show pop-ups, we used the same-origin policy trick with iframe elements instead.
