往上升級或是用 Unlimited mode 撐

這個 blog 跑在 Amazon EC2t4g.micro 上面,以往跑起來 baseline 是 10% CPU credit 也還算夠用,但最近的 loading 特別的大,發現是有 bot 在砍站砍的比較兇 (參考「t4g 的 CPU credit 被吃完了」這邊),雖然擋掉後有降不少,但看起來還是比之前高不少:(這邊是一天的平均,拉三個月資料來看)

以往這種一陣一陣的可以靠 CPU credit 頂過去,但因為先前 CPU credit 被 bot 砍完後沒了,就常常撞到底,只好先開 Unlimited mode 擋著了。

另外一方面,當初買的三年 RI 時間也快到了 (居然),這幾天差不多要處理了:

February 9, 2021, 17:43 (UTC+8:00)

February 9, 2024, 17:43 (UTC+8:00)

升級到 t4g.small 剛好會符合 AWS 的免費方案,看起來可以先掙扎一陣子:

Until December 31, 2024, all AWS customers will be enrolled automatically in the T4g free trial as detailed in the AWS Free Tier. During the free-trial period, customers who run a t4g.small instance will automatically get 750 free hours per month deducted from their bill during each month.

我記得我算過但沒找到文章,所以這邊還是算一下... 如果 t4g.small 要錢的話,與 Unlimited mode 的消費差異大概是多少。

us-east-1t4g.small 是 $0.0168/hr,用 720 小時換算是 $12.096/mo。

假設 CPU 使用率平均在 15%,那用 t4g.micro 的 $0.0084/hr 會是 $6.408/mo,另外加上 5% * 2vCPU = 10% 的 Unlimited mode 費用 ($0.04/hr/vCPU),會是 $2.88/mo。

假設 CPU 使用率平均在 20% (剛好跟 t4g.small 的 baseline 相同的話),會是 $5.76/mo,所以如果用不到對應的記憶體的話,跑 Unlimited mode 會比較划算。


GCP 提供每個區域的 Standard Tier Networking 每個月 200GB 的免費頻寬

GCP 提供每個區域 Standard Tier Networking 每個月有 200GB 的免費頻寬:「Announcing 200 GB free Standard Tier internet data transfer per month」。


另外雖然是每個區域都有 200GB/mo 的 free bandwidth,但通常也只會用一個或兩個區域,以台灣的 asia-east1 來說,如果有量在上面跑的話,省下來的會是 $0.07/GB 這個部分,大概就是 $14/mo 左右?

Twitter 砍免費 API 的時程延到 2/13

先前在「Twitter 宣佈要廢掉免費的 API 權限」這邊有提到在 2/9 要廢掉 API free tier 的事情延期了,延到 2/13:

據說跟老闆很在意 Super Bowl,然後丟了內部信件出來有關:


Twitter 宣佈要廢掉免費的 API 權限

昨天下午的時候看到這則官方在 Twitter 上提到的消息,要廢掉 free tier 的 API access:

但這邊提到的 paid basic tier 的價錢還沒看到公告。以「API Pricing - It’s very dark out here」這邊看到的價格,目前的 premium plan 超級貴:

這下看起來是真的得搬了,目前有好幾隻程式在上面跑 :o

Kagi 公佈了收費三個月後的進展

Kagi 公佈了收費三個月後的進展 (可以參考「Kagi 開始收費了」這篇):「Kagi status update: First three months」。

搜尋的部份 (Kagi 這個產品線),目前有 2600 個付費使用者,以 US$10/mo 的費用來算大概是 US$26K/mo 的收入:

Kagi search is currently serving ~2,600 paid customers. We have seen steady growth since the launch 3 months ago. Note, this is with zero marketing and fully relying on word of mouth. We prefer to keep things this way for now, as we are still developing the product towards our vision of a user-centric web search experience.

後面在講財務狀況也是類似的數字 (幾乎都是 Kagi 的付費收入):

Between Kagi and Orion, we are currently generating around $26,500 USD in monthly recurring revenue, which incidentally about exactly covers our current API and infrastructure costs.

這個收入差不多 cover 目前的 infrastructure 部份,但還有薪資與其他的 operating cost 大約在 US$100K/mo 這個數量級,看起來還有很大的距離:

Between Kagi and Orion, we are currently generating around $26,500 USD in monthly recurring revenue, which incidentally about exactly covers our current API and infrastructure costs.

That means that salaries and all other operating costs (order of magnitude of $100K USD/month) remain a challenge and are still paid out of the founders’ pocket (Kagi remains completely bootstrapped).

然後要大概是目前十倍的付費數量才會打平 (25K 個使用者):

We are planning to reach sustainability at around 25,000 users mark, by further improving the product, introducing new offerings and pricing changes. With the product metrics being as good as they are, we should be able to reach this as our visibility increases.

比較好一點的消息是 churn rate 很低:

Product stickiness is also very high, with churn being lower than 3%.

然後提到每個使用者大約 27 次查詢 (包括 free tier),有些 user 大約在 100 次,peak 是 400 次:

We are currently serving around 70,000 queries a day or around ~27 queries/day/user (this includes free users which are about 10% of total users). There is a lot of variance in use though, with some users regularly searching >100 times a day. Every time we see a search count go >400 times in day we are happy to be an important part of someone’s search experience.

我看了一下自己的用量,看起來偏高一些,但沒到他說的每天平均 100 次:

然後提到了推出新方案的計畫,包括 Teams Plan & Family Plan,而目前在跑的方案會被分類到 Individual Plans。

另外比較重要的是 Individual Plans 有漲價的計畫。新的方案預定分成三個層級,主要是增加了一個 Kagi Starter 的版本:

  • Kagi Unlimited - $19/mo or $180/year ($15/mo) or $288/biennial ($12/mo) - Original Kagi experience, with unlimited searches
  • Kagi Starter ($5/mo; 200 searches) - For casual users who make less than 200 searches per month
  • Free basic - 50 free searches that reset every month


If such change to Individual plans is to occur, we plan to grandfather-in all early adopters (meaning all current and future paid customers, up until this change) allowing them to keep their existing subscription price as long as they don’t cancel it.


Amazon RDS 的 Free Tier 方案包含了 db.t3.micro 與 db.t4g.micro

AWSdb.t3.microdb.t4g.micro 都放進 free tier 了:「Amazon RDS Free Tier now includes db.t3.micro, AWS Graviton2-based db.t4g.micro instances in all commercial regions」。

Customers new to AWS in the past 12 months and who were in regions where db.t2.micro was not available can now create free tier db.t3.micro or db.t4g.micro instances for the remainder of their first 12 months.

看說明是註冊的 12 個月內有這個方案可以用,可以拿來跑一些小東西...

把 Blog 丟到 CloudFront 上

先前在「AWS 流量相關的 Free Tier 增加不少...」這邊有提到一般性的流量從 1GB/month per region 升到 100GB/month,另外 CloudFront 則是大幅增加,從 50GB/month (只有註冊完的前 12 個月) 提升到 1TB/month (不限制 12 個月),另外 CloudFront 到 EC2 中間的流量是不計費的。

剛剛花了點功夫把 blog 從 Cloudflare 搬到 CloudFront 上,另外先對預設的 /* 調整成 no cache,然後針對 /wp-content/* 另外加上 cache 處理,跑一陣子看看有沒有問題再說...

目前比較明顯的改善就是 latency,從 HiNet 連到免費版的 Cloudflare 會導去美國,用 CloudFront 的話就會是台灣了:

另外一方面,這樣國際頻寬的部份就會走進 AWS 的骨幹,比起透過 HiNet 自己連到美國的 PoP 上,理論上應該是會快一些...

AWS 流量相關的 Free Tier 增加不少...

Jeff Barr 出來公告增加 AWS 流量相關的 free tier:「AWS Free Tier Data Transfer Expansion – 100 GB From Regions and 1 TB From Amazon CloudFront Per Month」。

一般性的 data transfer 從 1GB/month/region 變成 100GB/mo,現在是 21 regions 所以不會有反例,另外大多數的人或是團隊也就固定用一兩個 region,這個 free tier 大概可以省個 $10 到 $20 左右?

Data Transfer from AWS Regions to the Internet is now free for up to 100 GB of data per month (up from 1 GB per region). This includes Amazon EC2, Amazon S3, Elastic Load Balancing, and so forth. The expansion does not apply to the AWS GovCloud or AWS China Regions.

另外是 CloudFront 的部份,本來只有前 12 個月有 free tier,現在是開放到所有帳號都有,另外從 50GB/month 升到 1TB/month,這個部份的 free tier 就不少了,大概是 $100 到 $200?

Data Transfer from Amazon CloudFront is now free for up to 1 TB of data per month (up from 50 GB), and is no longer limited to the first 12 months after signup. We are also raising the number of free HTTP and HTTPS requests from 2,000,000 to 10,000,000, and removing the 12 month limit on the 2,000,000 free CloudFront Function invocations per month. The expansion does not apply to data transfer from CloudFront PoPs in China.


This change is effective December 1, 2021 and takes effect with no effort on your part.

這樣好像可以考慮把 blog 與 wiki 都放上去玩玩看,目前這兩個服務都是用 Cloudflare 的 free tier,HiNet 用戶基本上都是連去 Cloudflare 的美西 PoP,偶而離峰時間會用亞洲的點,但都不會是台灣的 PoP...

不過記得之前 WordPress + CloudFront 有些狀況,再研究看看要怎麼弄好了...

Figma 限縮免費帳號的功能

Plurk 上的這篇看到的,Figma 的 Free Starter Plan 縮減功能:「Starter plan updates」。

這步算是要使用者掏錢出來,進入養套殺裡「殺」的階段了。不過每個編輯者 USD$15/month 以價錢來說還好 (年繳的話還有一些折扣),團隊大多數的 viewer 是不額外收費的。