看到「Xfce 4.18 released」這個消息,可以放一個月讓 bug 飛一飛改一改再來更新...
看起來 thunar (Xfce 的檔案總管?) 改了不少東西,可以看到花了很多篇幅在介紹。看起來對我來說最有改變的是 undo 與 redo 的部份:
It is now possible to undo basic file operations and to redo them. Undo and Redo can be used for 'move', 'rename', 'trash', 'link' and 'create' operations. Per default, a history of the last 10 operations is stored, though the history length is configurable. Whenever an Undo/Redo is triggered, a notification with few details will be shown.