在「We have reached OpenBSD of Theseus (marc.info)」這邊看到的有趣主題,連結到的是 OpenBSD 的 commit log:「CVS: cvs.openbsd.org: src」。
The greek quiz is so obscure that it is ridiculous -- noone can play this. Replace it with a new quiz about galley (ship) parts. This commit changes the *LAST UNMODIFIED ORIGINAL FILE* (meaning revision from the original import that created OpenBSD on Oct 18, 1995. With this commit, we have completed an amusing mission of replacing the final parts of the original OpenBSD.
We have reached OpenBSD of Theseus.
這邊提到的 Theseus 是指「忒修斯之船 (Ship of Theseus)」,引用中文維基百科的說明比較好理解:
回到 OpenBSD 來說,這次的這個修改據說是最後一個沒有被動過的檔案,所以在改完以後才會說「We have reached OpenBSD of Theseus.」,是個有趣的里程碑。