幾個其他 Teams 的替代方案 (但還是連到 Teams 伺服器)

這邊講的替代方案不是換掉 Teams,而是找其他的方法連上 Teams 伺服器,畢竟用 Teams 的人大多都沒得選...

在「Teams is killing my Mac every day (microsoft.com)」這邊看到的一些資料可以嘗試,裡面有很多抱怨 Teams 的問題,但還是有些人有給出一些 workaround。

大家主要遇到的問題除了 CPU 吃很兇以外,另外就是記憶體這塊。

一種方法是是用 Edge 瀏覽器的 extension 來跑,我本來想看看 Linux 上的 Brave 能不能裝,但沒有看到對應的安裝連結,大概是 Edge 限定:

If you don't want to use the Microsoft Teams app (which uses a lot of resources), you can:

1. Install the Microsoft Edge Web browser on your Mac

2. Log into https://teams.microsoft.com

3. Click ... > Apps > Install this site as an app

This will create an Edge app for Teams that uses almost no resources but has feature parity with the regular Microsoft Teams app.

We tell all of our students to do this, and it has solved all Microsoft Teams performance issues on student Macs (both Intel and Apple Silicon).

另外有人提到其實官方是有放 M1 的 preview 版本的,雖然不是正式版,但總是比 Intel 版本會好一些:

If you're running an Apple Silicon Mac you can get an early build of Teams osx-arm64 from the exploration build link listed here.[0]

I've been running a daily build for a few weeks and it's noticeably better than the Intel build on an M1 Pro. It launches in half the time and feels far more responsive (probably due to not needing to use the Rosetta JIT for Electron). That said it's still a daily "exploration" build so YMMV.

[0] https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ItzLevvie/MicrosoftTeams-msinternal/master/defconfig


Can confirm it is snappier on a M1 Macbook Pro and using *less* RAM, maybe about 10% less.

但據說這個 preview 版本在自我更新時會跳到 Intel 版本,還要再找一下 workaround 關掉自動更新:

How do you prevent it from automatically updating to the Intel version? I keep downloading the preview builds and they keep getting updated.

後面還有看到有人說他直接實體隔離,把這些肥滋滋的 app 跑在另外一台 Mac 上,然後透過 Universal Control 使用,大多數的情況下都夠用,真的有需要分享畫面時再跑在自己機器上,用完就可以關掉:

Thanks for the tip. I'll give this a try!

For work, I have to run Microsoft Teams, Slack, and Discord. Of those 3, Slack surprisingly uses the least amount of memory (~700 MB), and Teams uses the most (~1.5 GB). I dusted off an old Intel Mac (literally) and interact with it using Universal Control. It only runs those 3 chat apps + mail. It's turned out to be a great way to offload resource hogs and as an added benefit, it minimizes distractions. I'll occasionally glance at the dock to see if there are any notification badges, whereas on my main Mac, I'd feel compelled to deal with notifications immediately.

When I have to share my screen or focus on a conversation, I'll fire up one of those 3 apps on my main (M1) Mac and quit it when I'm done.

Universal Control still feels rough around the edges, but it has saved me from ditching my Macbook Air and shelling out for an M1 Macbook Pro. Sometimes there are issues with reconnecting to the Intel Mac, but it seems to resolve itself if I wait a bit or turn off/on wifi.

大家都在找方法 XDDD

關於 Hacker News 上在討論 Microsoft Teams 的一些有趣的發現

Hacker News 上看到「Ask HN: Why is MS Teams so slow, do devs test Teams on less powerful machines?」這串討論,發起的作者提到了超級吃資源的問題:

I have a laptop with an i5 processor and 8G of RAM. Hard drive is an SSD. It sometimes takes me a full minute and a half to get Teams open and ready to join a meeting. It is driving me crazy.


Ex office dev here. Actual dev work is done on i9 workstations running 64 gb of ram, and usually located very near an Azure data center, regardless of where the dev works. The result is that it's fast for us.

Everyone knows that it runs like poop, but there are other priorities, and no performance regression tests.

所以你應該只要電腦夠暴力 + 離機房夠近就會快了 XDDD

的確像是最上面的 comment 提到的,開發者因為都用 MBP,至少還能動 (因為機器夠快),但其他團隊則是一直幹勦:

At my company, the developers are all on fairly powerful MacBook Pros, and everyone else in the company has Windows laptops (I think generally Surface devices)

For the developers, Teams works... as good as Teams can. So not great, but it works most of the time (for me, anyway). For everyone else though, I hear nothing but issues. Constantly having to restart to make Teams work. And again, this is on Surface devices, so Microsoft is making the app, the OS, and the hardware!

Pixel 3 無法撥打 911 的問題

Hacker News 首頁上看到「Pixel prevented me from calling 911」這則 Reddit 上的發文,提到 Pixel 3 無法撥打 911 的問題,另外 Hacker News 上的討論在這邊可以看到:「Pixel prevented me from calling 911 (reddit.com)」。

hnrvsr1 這則 comment 可以看到,目前 Google 確認了這個軟體 bug,在 Anrdoid 10 上有安裝 Microsoft Teams,並且是在沒有登入的情況下,就會中這個 bug:

Based on our investigation we have been able to reproduce the issue under a limited set of circumstances. We believe the issue is only present on a small number of devices with the Microsoft Teams app installed when the user is not logged in, and we are currently only aware of one user report related to the occurrence of this bug. We determined that the issue was being caused by unintended interaction between the Microsoft Teams app and the underlying Android operating system. Because this issue impacts emergency calling, both Google and Microsoft are heavily prioritizing the issue, and we expect a Microsoft Teams app update to be rolled out soon – as always we suggest users keep an eye out for app updates to ensure they are running the latest version.

這個 bug 聽起來像是有什麼東西在 sandbox 裡沒擋好,被 app 干擾到緊急撥號的流程... 所以 Google 也承諾 Android 的部份也會有對應的更新:

We will also be providing an Android platform update to the Android ecosystem on January 4.

不確定台灣的 110、112 與 119 會不會有類似的問題...