AlphaGo 的開局庫分析

Facebook 上看到 Aja Huang 的訊息,介紹了 DeepMind 放出的新資料,由 AlphaGo 分析人類開局的各種勝率 (不是先前發表出來更凶的 AlphaZero,但不曉得是 AlphaGo Zero 還是 AlphaGo Master...)。

網站在 AlphaGo Teach: Discover new and creative ways of playing Go,盤面上的數字都是指黑棋勝率。

This tool provides analysis of 6,000 of the most popular opening sequences from the recent history of Go, using data from 231,000 human games and 75 games AlphaGo played against human players.

Explore the board and learn how AlphaGo's moves compare to those of professional and amateur players.
