Spotify 在 Google Play 上面不需要付 15% 的過路費

Google 的大頭在與 Epic 的訴訟案中被要求揭露了實際的數據:「A secret Google deal let Spotify completely bypass Android’s app store fees」。

如果是透過 Spotify 自家的金流平台,就完全不用付錢給 Google,如果是透過 Google 的平台則是 4%,遠低於一般上架商家的 15% (超過 $1M/y 的部分則會到 30%):

On the stand, Google head of global partnerships Don Harrison confirmed Spotify paid a 0 percent commission when users chose to buy subscriptions through Spotify’s own system. If the users picked Google as their payment processor, Spotify handed over 4 percent — dramatically less than Google’s more common 15 percent fee.


Vultr 開始要收台灣的稅了...

這幾天收到 Vultr 的通知信,要收 5% 的稅了:

Dear Valued Client, will start collecting a Value Added Tax (also known as VAT) for services provided after 2018 June 01 in order to comply with new Taiwan regulations. Beginning on 2018 July 1, your invoices will include an additional tax charge of 5% for customers who purchase electronic services in Taiwan. The tax is applied to comply with new Taiwan VAT legislation requiring non-residents who are providing "remote services" to begin collecting Taiwanese VAT on these services when they are provided to Taiwanese residents or persons who are not registered for VAT.

Affected customers need to submit their VAT ID to Vultr. If you don’t provide a business VAT ID, your account charges might increase.

If you have any questions about this upcoming change, please contact our support team today. Thank you again for being a customer!

The Team

從 2018 七月開始收...

台美之間的租稅協定 (還在橋)

看到「因應美稅改 賴揆:加速洽簽台美租稅協定」這則消息,如果沒記錯的話,有不少服務都是美國公司出帳... (像是 AWSSlackGitHub 這類在公司裡很常用的服務)

參考「我國股利、利息及權利金扣繳率(%)一覽表」這邊的資料,應該有機會從 20% 降到 10%?也就是說實付 100 萬的金額本來要多繳 25 萬 (帳要做成 100 萬 / (1 - 0.2) = 125 萬,其中的 20% 是 25 萬萬稅,100 萬實際支付),現在只要繳 11.1 萬 (100 萬 / (1 - 0.1) = 111.1 萬)?

不過有些特殊情況本來就有更優惠的稅務方式 (像是使用國外平台提供服務 (e.g. AWS),而服務的對象也是境外使用者的情況),這些組合可以研究看看要怎麼搞...


Slashdot 看到的新聞「Arizona Governor Proposes Flab Tax」,原文轉自 WSJ 的「Arizona Proposes Medicaid Fat Fee」。


Arizona's governor on Thursday proposed levying a $50 fee on some enrollees in the state's cash-starved Medicaid program, including obese people who don't follow a doctor-supervised slimming regimen and smokers.
