在 Hacker News 上看到「SPEBlox-Long (10BASE-T1L) - 10Mbps, 1km range」這個產品,看到 10BASE-T1L 這個標準還有蠻有趣的,對應的討論在「10mbps over 1km on a single pair of wires (botblox.io)」這邊。
在維基百科的「Ethernet over twisted pair」這個頁面上面有提到 10BASE-T1S 與 10BASE-T1L 這兩個在 2019 推出的新標準:
Two new variants of 10 megabit per second Ethernet over a single twisted pair, known as 10BASE-T1S and 10BASE-T1L, were standardized in IEEE Std 802.3cg-2019. 10BASE-T1S has its origins in the automotive industry and may be useful in other short-distance applications where substantial electrical noise is present. 10BASE-T1L is a long-distance Ethernet, supporting connections up to 1 km in length. Both of these standards are finding applications implementing the Internet of things.
從標準的名字就可以知道是 10Mbps 的速度,但只用一對線路就可以跑 1km 還蠻有趣的,主打在 IoT 場景...