AWS 東京區的機器有 μs 等級的 Amazon Time Sync Service 可以用

AWS 宣佈 μs 等級的 Amazon Time Sync Service,也就是比 ms 再多三個零的等級:「Amazon Time Sync Service now supports microsecond-accurate time」。

一般的 Time Sync Service 服務大多是 ms 等級,也就是 10-3 秒這個等級,μs 則是到了 10-6...

但這其實有點詭異,目前只有 AWS 東京區有這個服務,而且限制在 r7g 的機器上才能用:

Amazon Time Sync with microsecond-accurate time is available starting today in the Asia Pacific (Tokyo) Region on all R7g instances, and we will be expanding support to additional AWS Regions and EC2 Instance types.

也就是說 us-east-1us-west-2 這些第一線熱門的區域沒有,另外只有特別的 ARM 機種,而且是 memory-intensive 的 r7g 才能用?

先放著看看 XDDD

Google Authenticator 的備份功能不是 E2EE (end-to-end encryption)

前幾天提到了 Google Authenticator 總算是支援備份功能了:「Google Authenticator 支援備份到 Google Account 的功能」,當初操作的時候沒看到自訂密碼之類的功能,就有在猜應該不是 E2EE,直接攔傳輸內容也被證實沒有 E2EE 了,TOTP 的 secret token 都是直接傳輸的:「PSA: Google Authenticator's Cloud-Synced 2FA Codes Aren't End-to-End Encrypted」。

Google 的發言人回應 CNET 的詢問時只說會有計畫做,但沒有給更細的資料:

To ensure that we're offering a full set of options for users, we have also begun rolling out optional E2EE in some of our products, and we plan to offer E2EE for Google Authenticator in the future.


AWS DataSync 支援 GCP 與 Azure 上的 Storage 上的資料了

AWS DataSync 宣佈支援 GCP 與 Azure 上的 Storage 了:「New for AWS DataSync – Move Data Between AWS and Other Public Locations」,比較特別的是,文章的 URL 有提到這兩家的產品,但在標題上反而就沒提到...

這測的重點就是支援 Google CloudMicrosoft Azure 的 object storage 產品:

Today, we added to DataSync the capability to migrate data between AWS Storage services and either Google Cloud Storage or Microsoft Azure Files.

之前大家都是自己開機器手動搬,現在可以直接付錢 (依照 GB 計費) 用服務搬了,不過要注意網路頻寬的流出部份還是有費用...

Apple 推出讓 iCloud 可以複製到 Google Photos 上的服務

Apple 推出了從 iCloud 的內容複製到 Google Photos 上的服務:「Apple Launches Service for Transferring iCloud Photos and Videos to Google Photos」。

我登入進去 iCloud 沒看到,後來才看到:

Apple's transfer service is available to customers in Australia, Canada, the European Union, Iceland, Liechtenstein, New Zealand, Norway, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, and the United States at this time.

服務的區域主要是歐洲北美紐西蘭,台灣暫時還沒辦法用,只能先看一下 screenshot 了:

既然是 Google Photos,能搬過去的就只有 Google Photos 有支援的類型,包括了大部分的圖片與影片格式:

Smart Albums, Live Photos, photo stream content, some metadata, and some RAW photos are not able to be transferred, but formats including .jpg, .png, .webp, .gif, some RAW files, .mpg, .mod, .mmv, .tod, .wmv, .asf, .avi, .divx, .mov, .m4v, .3gp, .3g2, .mp4, .m2t, .m2ts, .mts, and .mkv are compatible.


Windows 上包裝 Syncthing 的 SyncTrayzor

在「SyncTrayzor is an open source Syncthing client for Windows」這邊看到有人將 Syncthing 包裝好,讓使用者在 Windows 上直接設定,而不需要另外開瀏覽器設定:

Syncthing is a popular peer-to-peer file sharing/synchronization software. It uses a web GUI which can be a little confusing for beginners. SyncTrayzor is an open source client that makes the P2P tool more user-friendly.

Syncthing 比較特別的觀念就是每一台都要設定允許其他台分享 (通常是這樣)。假設你有四台 Syncthing 要設定,每一台都要設定允許其他三台的分享。

不過也可以有其他的設計,像是你可以在 VPS hosting 上租一台空間很大的機器,然後其他機器都只對 VPS 這台機器同步,這樣就比較像有中央 server 的架構。


Dropbox 免費版限制三個裝置更新...

Dropbox 決定限制免費版的裝置數量,最多只能有三個裝置同步:「Dropbox adds three-device limit for free users」,對應的頁面是「Is there a limit to the number of devices I can link to my account?」。


If you're a Basic user and you linked more than three devices prior to March 2019, all of your previously linked devices will remain linked, but you can’t link additional devices.

另外一個選擇是付費版,最低是 1TB USD$9.99/month (年繳是 USD$99/year)。

看起來像是養肥了要殺,不過這個領域相關的技術應該是夠成熟,而且也不會用到什麼特別的功能,應該會去看看其他平台的情況,像是 SyncpCloud

其中 Sync 有免費版 (空間限制 5GB,付費版 500GB USD$49/year),不過官方不支援 Linux,有人用 Wine 跑過,但據說穩定性與效能都不太好:「 in Linux」。

pCloud (500GB EUR$47.88/year) 也是剛剛提到在 Linux 上跑 Sync 的人後來測試的服務,官方有支援 Linux (看起來是透過 AppImage 包裝),也許可以測試看看。

另外一個是自己一直都有在用的 Syncthing,不過設定同步的操作上只有 web interface,而且因為是信任架構,需要多台互相設定,沒那麼方便...

自動校正字幕時間的軟體 subsync

看到用 Python 寫的「smacke/subsync」這個軟體,可以自動校正字幕時間:

Language-agnostic automatic synchronization of subtitles to video, so that subtitles are aligned to the correct starting point within the video.


因為不是用 machine learning 所以速度意外的快。演算法是對影片本身產生一個 array,然後對字幕也產生 array,最後對兩個 array 用個簡單的公式校準:

  • Discretize video and subtitles by time into 10ms windows.
  • For each 10ms window, determine whether that window contains speech. This is trivial to do for subtitles (we just determine whether any subtitle is "on" during each time window); for video, use an off-the-shelf voice activity detector (VAD) like the one built into webrtc.
  • Now we have two binary strings: one for the subtitles, and one for the video. Try to align these strings by matching 0's with 0's and 1's with 1's. We score these alignments as (# matching digits) - (# mismatched digits).

就這樣解決問題 XD

用 link="preload" 提高下載的優先度

除了讓 browser 自己決定優先權外,在「Preload Scripts」這邊看到的技巧,可以跟 browser 說明哪些資源比較重要,請儘快先下載:

<link rel="preload" href="main.js" as="script">

Link rel=preload is useful for downloading any important resource more quickly, such as stylesheets that contain critical CSS, fonts that are used in important design elements, and hero images. It's especially important for scripts because they block page content from rendering and consume the most CPU during page load.


另外作者也提到了可以直接把這個資訊放到 HTTP header 裡面,理論上會更快:

Link: <main.js>; rel="preload"; as="script"

尤其是 sync script 應該會有幫助,建議可以跑 A/B test 看看效果:

We know that synchronous scripts block rendering, which makes the user experience feel slow. And we know that most scripts today are downloaded synchronously (rather than async). And yet only 1% of sites are using link rel=preload to download their scripts. If your site has any synchronous scripts, do an A/B test adding link rel=preload for them. It's likely this will be a win and help you create a more joyous experience for your users.

Syncthing 發行 1.0.0 版

Syncthing 是一個檔案分享軟體,如果要說類型的話,可以看作是 Dropbox 的 open source 版本,找台便宜的 VPS 主機就可以架起來丟著 (挑個空間夠大的 OpenVZ instance)。

官方在前幾天宣佈推出 1.0.0 了:「Syncthing graduation day」。會推出主要的原因是現在的版本其實夠穩定,就不要因為 0.x 版而造成使用者誤解了 (這邊應該是在講因為 Semantic Versioning 的流行,0.x 版會給人不穩定的印象):

As much as a version number means anything at all, a “major zero” version number means that you can expect breakage. This is not what we want to communicate. Especially, it’s not the mindset that we should have towards our users. Hence Syncthing is now graduating from being in perpetual beta to being actual release software, yet the journey of development continues.
