AWS 推出了 AWS Network Firewall,可以在 VPC 層做更多細緻的設定了:「AWS Network Firewall – New Managed Firewall Service in VPC」。
本來的 Network ACLs 的設計也是對 VPC 做過濾,但就是很標準的 stateless filtering:
Network ACLs are stateless, which means that responses to allowed inbound traffic are subject to the rules for outbound traffic (and vice versa).
而這次推出的 AWS Network Firewall 引入了 stateful filtering 的能力:
另外介紹裡面也提到支援 Suricata 的語法,不過太久沒碰 IDS 這塊了,我只知道 Snort:
A stateful rule group with Suricata compatible IPS rules has all settings defined within the Suricata compatible specification. For example, as following is to detect SSH protocol anomalies. For information about Suricata, see the Suricata website.
目前支援的區域很少,只有 us-east-1
與 eu-west-1
AWS Network Firewall is now available in US East (N. Virginia), US West (Oregon), and Europe (Ireland) Regions. Take a look at the product page, price, and the documentation to learn more.
另外價錢上不算便宜:「AWS Network Firewall Pricing」,比較特別的是用 AWS Network Firewall 的話,包含了免費的 NAT Gateway 額度可以用...
印象中 Network ACLs 不用另外付費 (找了一下沒找到收費的標準?),如果可以用 Network ACLs 解決就用 Network ACLs,不能的再考慮用 AWS Network Firewall 吧...