polyfill.io 被放 malicious code 的事件

台灣的圈子蠻多人是從「請儘速遠離 cdn.polyfill.io 之惡意程式碼淺析」這邊看到的,一些 code 相關的分析部分可以移駕過去看。裡面提到的 GitHub 上面 alitonium 所寫的 comment 蠻值得讀一下 (第一次點的時候會出現 GitHub 的警告,再點一次應該就會跳到正確的 comment 上)。

polyfill.js 算是老專案了,從 https://github.com/polyfillpolyfill/polyfill-service/graphs/contributors 這邊可以看到是 2013 年開始有記錄,主要是針對舊的瀏覽器 (像是 IE11),透過 javascript 的方式補上對應的功能。

現在的瀏覽器都是一直在更新,大多數的情況不太需要 polyfill 了,但畢竟很多舊的案子還在用,在這次 domain 被中國公司拿走後,Cloudflare 在今年 2024/2/29 就有先寫一篇算是預警的文章了:「polyfill.io now available on cdnjs: reduce your supply chain risk」,不過這種事情都是還沒發生前大家不會有太多重視,接下來就是 GitHub 上面的討論,然後是真的被動手加 malicious code 進去後,有人發現的討論。

後續大家都被迫要開始處理這件事情,GitHub 的作法看起來沒什麼問題:先標注 malicious repository 但是還是讓人可以進去翻歷史資料與討論。

不過 Cloudflare 這邊動作有點大,直接主動幫 CDN 客戶過濾了:「Automatically replacing polyfill.io links with Cloudflare’s mirror for a safer Internet」,這篇在 Hacker News 上也有討論:「Cloudflare automatically fixes Polyfill.io for free sites (cloudflare.com)」。

這個「越界」有點多,這應該也是直接讓 CEO Matthew Prince 出來掛文章作者的原因。這次 Cloudflare 主動做的事情包括了將免費的客戶預設開啟過濾,而付費的客戶則不會主動開啟,但提供一鍵開關:

Any website on the free plan has this feature automatically activated now. Websites on any paid plan can turn on this feature with a single click.


All customers can turn off the feature at any time.

所以後續就會有另外一條大支線討論:在使用者沒有事前同意的情況下,以「安全」為名主動更改使用者頁面上的東西,這件事情是不是可以接受?如果以「安全」為名可以接受,為什麼是免費的先動,付費的卻不動?雖然我猜 Cloudflare 會裝死到底就是了...

Framework 筆電也遇到缺料問題,換了音源晶片

Framework 的筆電最近在社群很紅,模組化設計讓維修變容易,而且也有許多規格上的客製化空間。在「Marketplace」這頁可以看到很多東西可以換,除了比較常見的無線網卡、SSD、記憶體以外,像是主機板、鍵盤甚至連 USB、HDMI 接口都是模組。

不過這邊要提到的是 audio chip 也在這波 supply chain 的供貨問題而中招了:「Solving for Silicon Shortages」,Hacker News 上的討論「Framework: Solving for Silicon Shortages (frame.work)」也可以看一下。

從文章裡看起來是 Realtek ALC295 的交期爆炸了:

Chips that would normally have 16-20 week lead times (meaning we’d place typically binding orders that far ahead of needing parts in our hands) went up to 52 weeks. In one case, we even got notified of a 68 week lead time on a chip!

We were able to get enough Realtek ALC295 audio CODECs to develop the Framework Laptop and get through the first few months of production, but nowhere near enough to fulfill ongoing demand from the US and Canada, let alone the additional countries we’d like to ship to.

所以決定換到 Tempo 92HD95B

Luckily, we were able to find an alternative CODEC that lets us stay in production: the Tempo 92HD95B.

查了一下 datasheet,本來的 Realtek ALC295 是 QFN-48,而 Tempo 92HD95B 是 QFN-40,看起來得改不少東西... 應該是連 open market 上都翻不到而被迫換設計,跟我們家的情況也很像,看起來最近大家都哭到爆炸了 :o

Raspberry Pi 4 2GB 版本「暫時」漲價,另外 1GB 版本回歸

Raspberry Pi 宣佈 Raspberry Pi 4 的 2GB 版本將從 US$35 漲到 US$45,另外本來淘汰掉的 1GB 版本回歸,賣 US$35:「Supply chain, shortages, and our first-ever price increase」。

In February last year, we announced that we were discontinuing the 1GB variant of Raspberry Pi 4, and moving the 2GB product to our signature price of $35. We’re still glad we did this, as countless young people made use of this device as they studied from home during the pandemic.

Unfortunately, cost increases caused by the current shortage mean that this product is not currently economically viable at this reduced price point. We are therefore moving it back to $45 on a temporary basis.

To support the many industrial customers who have designed the 2GB variant of Raspberry Pi 4 into their products, we are reintroducing the 1GB variant at the $35 price point. This provides a degree of choice: less memory at the same price; or the same memory at a higher price.

然後共用 40nm 製程的 3B+ 會暫時先被降低優先權,產能會優先提供給 CM3CM3+3B

In allocating our limited stocks of 40nm silicon, we will prioritise Compute Module 3, Compute Module 3+, and Raspberry Pi 3B, and deprioritise Raspberry Pi 3B+.


PinePower 120W 充電器

在「PinePower 120W desktop power supply features display, USB PD, QC 3.0 and wireless charging」這邊看到 PinePower 120W 這個充電器:

提供了一個 Type-A QC 3.0 (18W) + 三個 Type-A 5V/3A (15W) + 一個 Type-C PD (65W),然後還有一個 Qi (10W),算了一下這些組合全部都跑滿要 138W,然後機器的上限提供 120W,這個集縮比超低,看起來也是頗猛的...

目前 out of stock,剛好可以等其他用過的人的評價...

Raspberry Pi 4 的 Type C 無法使用 Macbook Charger 供電的問題

Raspberry Pi 4 出來後有些災情 (畢竟又加了不少東西近去),在 Hacker News 上看到的 Type C 介面的充電問題:「Raspberry Pi 4 not working with some chargers (scorpia.co.uk)」,引用的原文可以在「Pi4 not working with some chargers (or why you need two cc resistors)」這邊看到,裡面提到了新的 Type C 供電介面在接某些充電器時不會供電 (包括了 Macbook 的充電器):

The new pi has been released and it has a USB Type-C connector for power however people are finding some chargers are not working with it (notably macbook chargers). Some have speculated that this is due to a manufacturer limitation on the power supplies however it is actually due to the incorrect detection circuitry on the Pi end of the USB connection.

這樣說有點偏頗,但是 Macbook 的充電器一向是 Type C 裡的指標,如果這顆充電器跟其他裝置配合上有問題,通常都是代表其他裝置的實作有問題... (噗)

這次發現的電阻問題看起來有點苦 (看起來需要改版子),目前文章作者建議的 workaround 主要就是「不要用那麼好的設備」,比較簡單的包括了 Type C 的線不要那麼好 (像是找充手機用的線就好,不要找拿可以跑 5A 的線),或是透過 Type A 轉 Type C 的線也應該可以避開這個問題,最差的情況應該是找其他的充電器:

Now onto some solutions. Assuming the issue you are having is caused by the problem discussed above, using a non e-marked cable (most USB-C phone charger cables are likely this type) rather than an e-marked cable (many laptop charger/thunderbolt cables and any 5A capable cable will be in this category) will allow for the pi to be powered. In addition using older chargers with A-C cables or micro B to C adaptors will also work if they provide enough power as these don’t require CC detection to provide power. Ultimately though the best solution in the long run will be for there to be a board revision for the pi 4 which adds the 2nd CC resistor and fixes the problem.

對於已經入手的人,如果真的中獎,workaround cost 應該還在可以控制的範圍...

Raspberry Pi 3 的新版本 Model B+

Raspberry Pi 3 推出了 Model B+ 的新版本:「Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+ on sale now at $35」。

除了 CPU 速度稍微快一些以外,另外支援了 802.11ac/5Ghz 的無線網路 (官方宣稱可以跑到 ~102Mbps,相較於先前在 2.4Ghz 只能跑到 ~35Mbps),以及更快的有線網路 (官方宣稱可以跑到 ~315Mbps,相較於先前的 ~95Mbps)。

然後是支援 PXE

Raspberry Pi 3B was our first product to support PXE Ethernet boot. Testing it in the wild shook out a number of compatibility issues with particular switches and traffic environments. Gordon has rolled up fixes for all known issues into the BCM2837B0 boot ROM, and PXE boot is now enabled by default.

以及支援 PoE 直接推動整台機器:

We use a magjack that supports Power over Ethernet (PoE), and bring the relevant signals to a new 4-pin header. We will shortly launch a PoE HAT which can generate the 5V necessary to power the Raspberry Pi from the 48V PoE supply.

或是吃更多電 XDDD

Note that Raspberry Pi 3B+ does consume substantially more power than its predecessor. We strongly encourage you to use a high-quality 2.5A power supply, such as the official Raspberry Pi Universal Power Supply.

所以看到這張圖時就不意外了 XDDD (風扇!)


Update:風扇那張圖的產品頁看起來在「Raspberry Pi PoE HAT」這頁 (參考下面的 comment)。


Slashdot 上看到「Standardized Laptop Charger Approved By IEC」這篇。

2011 年年初的「歐盟強制使用 Micro USB 做為手機充電介面」後,IEC 這次宣佈要標準化筆電的充電器:「Major milestone: single charger for notebook computers will significantly reduce e-waste」。


IEC Technical Specification 62700: DC Power supply for notebook computer, will be available in early 2014.

不過... 筆電充電器這塊如果要做的好用,不會卡到蘋果的專利嗎?