Businesses using Stripe in Japan can now automatically accept payments with JCB, in most cases without any additional work.
We are rolling out JCB acceptance to businesses in more countries, starting with Canada, Australia, and New Zealand, with more to come. This lets global businesses, from e-commerce sites in Canada to subscription services in Australia, easily transact with JCB cardholders.
During one of the 60-second collection periods the DNS server sent 257,430 packets to the VPC resolver. The VPC resolver replied back with only 61,385 packets, which averages to 1,023 packets per second. We realized we may be hitting the AWS limit for how much traffic can be sent to a VPC resolver, which is 1,024 packets per second per interface. Our next step was to establish better visibility in our cluster to validate our hypothesis.
Each Amazon EC2 instance limits the number of packets that can be sent to the Amazon-provided DNS server to a maximum of 1024 packets per second per network interface. This limit cannot be increased. The number of DNS queries per second supported by the Amazon-provided DNS server varies by the type of query, the size of response, and the protocol in use. For more information and recommendations for a scalable DNS architecture, see the Hybrid Cloud DNS Solutions for Amazon VPC whitepaper.
Stripe’s rate limiters are built on top of Redis, and until recently, they ran on a single very hot instance of Redis. The server had followers in place for failover, but at any given time, one node was handling every operation.
We eventually solved it by migrating to a 10-node Redis Cluster.
Over the next three months we will work with affected Stripe users to ensure a smooth transition before we stop processing Bitcoin transactions on April 23, 2018.
Transaction confirmation times have risen substantially; this, in turn, has led to an increase in the failure rate of transactions denominated in fiat currencies. (By the time the transaction is confirmed, fluctuations in Bitcoin price mean that it’s for the “wrong” amount.) Furthermore, fees have risen a great deal. For a regular Bitcoin transaction, a fee of tens of U.S. dollars is common, making Bitcoin transactions about as expensive as bank wires.
So, today we’re introducing global support for Alipay and WeChat Pay, connecting Stripe businesses in 25+ countries to the hundreds of millions of Chinese consumers that actively use these payment methods.
And so we've decided to start Increment, a software engineering magazine dedicated to providing practical and useful insight into what effective teams are doing so that the rest of us can learn from them more quickly.
A digital magazine about how teams build and operate software systems at scale.
Increment is dedicated to covering how teams build and operate software systems at scale, one issue at a time.
前兩種都是 rate limit。第一種是最標準的「你一分鐘可以用幾次」的方式,這是最容易理解的方式。第二種是「你同時間可以用幾個 API request」,這通常會用在大量消耗資源的 API 上,避免短時間內被打爆。
第三種是拉到整體來看,把 API 分成重要與不重要的,然後直接保留確保重要的 API 有一定的 capacity 可以用:
We always reserve a fraction of our infrastructure for critical requests. If our reservation number is 20%, then any non-critical request over their 80% allocation would be rejected with status code 503.
Only 100 requests were rejected this month from this rate limiter, but in the past it’s done a lot to help us recover more quickly when we have had load problems. This load shedder limits the impact of incidents that are already happening and provides damage control, while the first three are more preventative.