Cloudflare 的 CEO Matthew Prince,將會被法院傳喚說明 Cloudflare 在沒有收到法院傳票的情況下就終止服務的原因,以及一直不肯在沒有法院傳票的情況下移除盜版網站的 policy:「Cloudflare CEO Has to Explain Lack of Pirate Site Terminations」。
預期會有兩件事情被拿出來訊問,第一件是推廣新納粹主義以及白人優越主義的 The Daily Stormer 被主動終止服務:
In August, Cloudflare CEO Matthew Prince decided to terminate the account of controversial neo-Nazi site Daily Stormer.
Just a few days ago Cloudflare suspended the account of a customer for using a cryptocurrency miner. Apparently, Cloudflare classifies these miners as malware, triggering a punishment without a court order.
應該會有很精彩的結論 (對 Cloudflare 不利),來等著看戲...