Hacker News Daily 上看到「Redditor creates working anime QR codes using Stable Diffusion」這個,Reddit 的原討論串在「ControlNet for QR Code」這邊。
透過 ControlNet 產生出來的 QR code 超出一般對客製化 QR code 的想像... 這邊就不解釋直接上圖了:
Hacker News Daily 上看到「Redditor creates working anime QR codes using Stable Diffusion」這個,Reddit 的原討論串在「ControlNet for QR Code」這邊。
透過 ControlNet 產生出來的 QR code 超出一般對客製化 QR code 的想像... 這邊就不解釋直接上圖了:
很紅的 Stable Diffusion 是寫一串文字 (prompt) 然後產生圖片,而 Riffusion 則是寫一串文字產生音樂。
其中 prompt 轉成音樂其實還在可以預期的範圍 (i.e. 遲早會出現),但專案的頁面上解釋了 Riffusion 是基於 Stable Fusion 的作品,而且是利用 Stable Fusion 產生出時頻譜 (spectrogram):
Well, we fine-tuned the model to generate images of spectrograms, like this:
在 Hacker News 上討論時的討論頁可以看看,作者有參與一些討論:「Riffusion – Stable Diffusion fine-tuned to generate music (riffusion.com)」。
其中有人提到這個作法超出想像,因為輸出的圖片只要幾個 pixel 差一點點就會產生出很不同的聲音:
This really is unreasonably effective. Spectrograms are a lot less forgiving of minor errors than a painting. Move a brush stroke up or down a few pixels, you probably won't notice. Move a spectral element up or down a bit and you have a completely different sound. I don't understand how this can possibly be precise enough to generate anything close to a cohesive output.
Absolutely blows my mind.
Author here: We were blown away too. This project started with a question in our minds about whether it was even possible for the stable diffusion model architecture to output something with the level of fidelity needed for the resulting audio to sound reasonable.
實際上聽了產生出來的音樂,是真的還 OK 的音樂... 大家都完全沒想到可以這樣搞,然後在 Hacker News 上的 upvote 數量爆炸高 XD
Stable Diffusion 是 Stability AI 訓練出來的 model,跟之前提到的 DALL-E 最大的差異就是產生出的圖的限制少很多:
Unlike competing models like DALL-E, Stable Diffusion is open source and does not artificially limit the images it produces, though the license prohibits certain harmful use cases.
這也造就了這兩個禮拜整個 Stable Diffusion 的各種應用急速成長。
用 Simon Willison 的「Stable Diffusion is a really big deal」這篇來當作總覽還不錯。
除了授權使用上的限制以外,在技術上的限制也比較少 (有很大一部分會歸功於社群的各種 porting),包括了:
除了先前大家已經熟悉的 txt2img 功能以外,Stable Diffusion 另外提供了 img2img 的能力,也就是先給一張圖,然後再給對應的句子要求 Stable Diffusion 去改這張圖,所以就會有像是把這張圖:
加上「A distant futuristic city full of tall buildings inside a huge transparent glass dome, In the middle of a barren desert full of large dunes, Sun rays, Artstation, Dark sky full of stars with a shiny sun, Massive scale, Fog, Highly detailed, Cinematic, Colorful」的句子後,提供了這張圖:
在 Hacker News 首頁上看到的消息,Golang 將會把 sort.Sort() 換成 pdqsort (Pattern-defeating Quicksort):「Go will use pdqsort in next release (github.com/golang)」,對應的 commit 則是在「sort: use pdqsort」這邊可以看到。
然後另外是「Changing std:sort at Google’s scale and beyond (danlark.org)」這邊提到了,LLVM 將 libc++ 的 std::sort 從 Quicksort 換成 BlockQuicksort。另外在文章裡面有提到一段 Knuth 老大在 TAOCP 裡講 sorting algorithm 沒有霸主的情況:
It would be nice if only one or two of the sorting methods would dominate all of the others, regardless of application or the computer being used. But in fact, each method has its own peculiar virtues. […] Thus we find that nearly all of the algorithms deserve to be remembered, since there are some applications in which they turn out to be best.
先回到 pdqsort 的部份,pdqsort 作者的 GitHub 上 (orlp/pdqsort) 可以看到他對 pdqsort 的說明:
Pattern-defeating quicksort (pdqsort) is a novel sorting algorithm that combines the fast average case of randomized quicksort with the fast worst case of heapsort, while achieving linear time on inputs with certain patterns.
看名字也可以知道 pdqsort 是從 Quicksort 改良的版本,而依照 Golang 的 commit 上的測試,與 Quicksort 相比,少數情況下會慢一點點,大多數的情況下會快一些,而在特殊情境下會讓 worst case 下降。
Golang 選擇把 unstable 的 Quicksort 換成 pdqsort,LLVM 則是選擇把 Quicksort 換成 BlockQuicksort,這邊看起來有些分歧...
反倒是各個程式語言對於 stable 的 Mergesort 陸陸續續都換成了 Timsort,看起來比較像是有個共識...
在 Hacker News Daily 上看到「ZeroVer: 0-Based Versioning (0ver.org)」這個討論,原網站在「ZeroVer: 0-based Versioning」這邊。
這應該是從 Semantic Versioning 出現 (看起來是 2009 年?) 而且被廣泛應用後的現象,就是大家都不想負責 XDDD
在 Semantic Versioning 裡面有提到 0.x 版的特殊性,也就是什麼都不保證:
Major version zero (0.y.z) is for initial development. Anything MAY change at any time. The public API SHOULD NOT be considered stable.
因為 Semantic Versioning 被廣泛應用後,這個特性也深受開發者喜愛 (即使軟體變得很成熟),於是 ZeroVer 這個站台就整理了一堆仍在使用 0.x 的軟體...
其實我覺得這樣很好,像是 HashiCorp 如果決定把軟體推出 1.0 版 (最近應該是 Terraform 的 1.0),表示他們對這個產品有一定的信心了,不然都還在摸索開發階段...
0.x 算是讓開發者可以很有信心的跟大家講「我沒信心」的方式 XD
這邊看到的消息,Chrome 與 Chrome OS 會避免在最近推出新功能,以維持軟體的穩定性,最近更新的主力會放在安全性上:「Google halts upcoming releases of Chrome and Chrome OS to keep things stable for everyone working from home」。
報導引用自 Twitter 上的宣佈:
Due to adjusted work schedules, we’re pausing upcoming Chrome & Chrome OS releases. Our goal is to ensure they continue to be stable, secure, & reliable for anyone who depends on them. We’ll prioritize updates related to security, which will be included in Chrome 80. Stay tuned.
— Chrome Developers (@ChromiumDev) March 18, 2020
呃,突然想到 Windows 的更新情況...
看到「Stable Array.prototype.sort」這篇在講 JavaScript 規格書裡的 sort...
本來 JavaScript 的規格書裡,各種 sort 都沒有保證 stable,而在「[Normative] Make Array.prototype.sort stable #1340」與「[Normative] Make %TypedArray%.prototype.sort stable #1433」這兩個地方則有了變化,提案在規格裡加入 stable 的要求,可以減少開發者因為不知道 unstable 而造成的問題...
Firefox 則是很久前就決定使用 Merge sort 了 (看了一下,當時還在從 Firebird 轉換名稱到 Firefox 的時期):「Array.sort isn't a stable sort (switch to MergeSort)」。
另外這篇也剛好提到了 V8 使用 Timsort 當作 stable sorting algorithm,之前就有看到但發現沒在 blog 上提過...
Timsort 是 1993 年發明出來的演算法,與 Merge sort 的情況類似,除了 stable 外,還可以保證最差的情境下的時間複雜度是 :
Timsort is a hybrid stable sorting algorithm, derived from merge sort and insertion sort, designed to perform well on many kinds of real-world data.
The algorithm finds subsequences of the data that are already ordered, and uses that knowledge to sort the remainder more efficiently.
除了 V8 採用這個演算法以外,其他常見的包括了 Python 與 Android 上的 Java SE:
Timsort has been Python's standard sorting algorithm since version 2.3. It is also used to sort arrays of non-primitive type in Java SE 7, on the Android platform, in GNU Octave, and Google Chrome.
Google 在 stable channel 發布了 Google Chrome 68,這是 Chrome 第一個將所有 HTTP 站台都標成 insecure 的版本:「Stable Channel Update for Desktop」。取自二月時的圖:
In Chrome 68, Chrome will show the “Not secure” warning on all HTTP pages. We announced this in a blog post published on February 8th on Google’s Chromium and Online Security blogs.
雖然之前 Google 一直在推動,但應該還是很多單位沒在管...
Twitter 上看到 nginx 穩定版 1.14.0 出了:
nginx-1.14.0 stable version is here! Includes new features and bug fixes from the 1.13.x mainline branch (mirror module, HTTP/2 push, gRPC proxy, and more) https://t.co/QAHiSa4lB2 https://t.co/0yyRqlBlws
— nginx web server (@nginxorg) April 17, 2018
從 CHANGES-1.14 可以看到 1.12 到 1.14 中間多了哪些功能,我比較注意的是:
看看 Ubuntu 18.04 會不會直接上這個版本,另外就是等 PPA 了...
Google Chrome 前陣子整理了一份對 Symantec 憑證的不信任計畫:「Chrome’s Plan to Distrust Symantec Certificates」。
這包括了一卡車的品牌,像是 Thawte、VeriSign、GeoTrust、RapidSSL,不過 Equifax 跟 Symantec 的關係我沒查到...:
Symantec’s PKI business, which operates a series of Certificate Authorities under various brand names, including Thawte, VeriSign, Equifax, GeoTrust, and RapidSSL, had issued numerous certificates that did not comply with the industry-developed CA/Browser Forum Baseline Requirements.
反正整個計畫會在 Google Chrome 70 推出時告一段落 (變成完全不信任),會是 2018/09/13 (預定時間) 與 2018/10/23 (預定時間) 在 beta channel 與 stable channel 上推出。
中間比較重要的時間點是 2018/03/15 (預定時間) 與 2018/04/17 (預定時間),Google Chrome 66 在 beta channel 與 stable channel 上推出,這個版本不會信任 2016/06/01 前發出的憑證:
Chrome 66 released to beta, which will remove trust in Symantec-issued certificates with a not-before date prior to June 1, 2016. As of this date Site Operators must be using either a Symantec-issued TLS server certificate issued on or after June 1, 2016 or a currently valid certificate issued from any other trusted CA as of Chrome 66.
Site Operators that obtained a certificate from Symantec’s old infrastructure after June 1, 2016 are unaffected by Chrome 66 but will need to obtain a new certificate by the Chrome 70 dates described below.