iOS 上 Spotlight Search 如果很慢...

看到「Disabling Slack Indexing Seems to Improve Spotlight Performance on iOS」這篇講 iOS 的 Spotlight Search 很慢的問題,作者後來找到與 Slack 有關?到這邊關掉就正常了:

Settings > General > Spotlight Search > toggle Slack off

我是沒遇到... 不過先寫起來,如果以後遇到時應該會有幫助。

修正 Mac OS X Yosemite (10.10) 的設定以確保隱私

Hacker New Daily 上看到的:「Fix Mac OS X Yosemite」。原因是 Spotlight 的部份 AppleBing 合作:

If you've upgraded to Mac OS X Yosemite (10.10) and you're using the default settings, each time you start typing in Spotlight (to open an application or search for a file on your computer), your local search terms and location are sent to Apple and third parties (including Microsoft).

有兩個地方要關閉。一個是系統設定,一個是 Safari 設定,細節在原文裡面有,這邊就不抄過來了。