看到「Google, Cloudflare & Cisco Will Poison DNS to Stop Piracy Block Circumvention」這篇,法國在 2022 年通過的體育法律反過來干涉 ISP 或是服務提供商需要配合阻擋:
Tampering with public DNS is a step too far for many internet advocates but for major rightsholders, if the law can be shaped to allow it, that’s what will happen. In this case, Article L333-10 of the French Sports Code (active Jan 2022) seems capable of accommodating almost anything.
拿文章裡面提到的 footybite.cc 測試,實際在法國開一台 Vultr 的 VPS 測試各家 Public DNS 服務,看起來目前 Google Public DNS 已經實作了,而且傳回了 RFC 8914: Extended DNS Errors 內的 EDE 16:
$ dig footybite.cc @ ;; OPT PSEUDOSECTION: ; EDNS: version: 0, flags:; udp: 512 ; EDE: 16 (Censored): (The requested domain is on a court ordered copyright piracy blocklist for FR (ISO country code). To learn more about this specific removal, please visit https://lumendatabase.org/notices/41606068.) ;; QUESTION SECTION: ;footybite.cc. IN A
目前拿 (Cloudflare)、 (Quad9) 以及 (OpenDNS) 都還沒有看到被擋。
另外實際測試,自己架設 Unbound 看起來就可以繞過去了,不知道後續會不會要求更多,像是直接要求在 internet backbone 上面過濾 DNS?(當年推 DNS over TLS 與 DNS over HTTPS 總算要派上用場了?)
另外就是看 Cloudflare 以及其他 Public DNS 服務有沒有反對的動作...