NIST 的密碼原則將禁止服務商要求「混合字元」

在「NIST to forbid requirement of specific passwords character composition (」這邊看到的消息,出自 Fediverse 上的「Lukasz Olejnik: "GREAT change is approaching. NIST will standardis…" - Mastodon」這則,在講密碼規則中不得要求「混合字元」,像是要求要有「至少一個大寫 + 一個小寫 + 一個特殊符號」這樣的條件被禁止了。

現行的 NIST Special Publication 800-63B 是在 2017 年發表的第三版:「NIST Special Publication 800-63B」,這個版本關於混合字元的說明是 SHOULD NOT

Verifiers SHOULD NOT impose other composition rules (e.g., requiring mixtures of different character types or prohibiting consecutively repeated characters) for memorized secrets. Verifiers SHOULD NOT require memorized secrets to be changed arbitrarily (e.g., periodically). However, verifiers SHALL force a change if there is evidence of compromise of the authenticator.

這次第四版 draft (目前可以在「」這邊看到) 則是改成 SHALL NOT

Verifiers and CSPs SHALL NOT impose other composition rules (e.g., requiring mixtures of different character types) for passwords.

這邊的 SHOULD NOTSHALL NOT 有定義在文件開頭,這邊的定義與 RFC 2119 類似:

The terms “SHALL” and “SHALL NOT” indicate requirements to be followed strictly in order to conform to the publication and from which no deviation is permitted.

The terms “SHOULD” and “SHOULD NOT” indicate that among several possibilities one is recommended as particularly suitable, without mentioning or excluding others, or that a certain course of action is preferred but not necessarily required, or that (in the negative form) a certain possibility or course of action is discouraged but not prohibited.


NIST SP 800-63B 算是重要的 reference,我記得前陣子有看到社群在蒐集整理密碼要求,要送到政府單位當作外部意見的,裡面也是引用了不少 NIST SP 800-63B 的內容,但一時間沒找到... (好像是放在 HackMD 上?)


Hacker News 首頁上看到「Pronunciation guide for UNIX」這個列表,裡面有各種特殊符號的英文。

裡面列的真的比較簡易,舉例來說,像是他對 - 的說明是:

但如果你查 Hyphen (連字號) 與 Dash (連接號) 的定義,都會指出者兩個東西是不一樣的東西:

The hyphen is sometimes confused with dashes (figure dash ‒, en dash –, em dash —, horizontal bar ―), which are longer and have different uses, or with the minus sign −, which is also longer and more vertically centred in some typefaces.

The dash is a punctuation mark consisting of a long horizontal line. It is similar in appearance to the hyphen but is longer and sometimes higher from the baseline.


sysbench 的 RNG

Percona 的 blog 上看到了 sysbench 的 RNG (Random Number Generator) 跟想像中的不太一樣:「What You May Not Know About Random Number Generation in Sysbench」。

預設是 Special:

而不是直覺的 Uniform (也有提供):


翻了翻可以翻到其他四個的理論基礎,但就是不知道 Special 的設計理論在哪裡...

.onion 的域名保護

.onion 被用在 Torhidden service,而現在從不同的面向要保護這個 root domain 不被註冊,在 IETF 的 blog 上看到「.onion」這篇文章就是其中一個方向。

這邊的計畫是把 .onion 域名當作像是 .local.localhost.example 這樣的特殊域名保護 (參考 RFC 6761「Special-Use Domain Names」) 而提了一個新的 RFC (目前是 draft):「The .onion Special-Use Domain Name」。

如果通過的話,就有一個標準可以遵循,不然現在對 .onion 一直都是 De-facto standard...