Sandboxie 決定開源

Sandboxie 目前是 Sophos 旗下的產品,主要的功能是在 Windows 下產生一個獨立的環境 (沙箱) 執行某些應用程式,而這些應用程式的變更雖然會被記錄起來,但不會影響到系統本體,所以先前也買了一套起來拿來跑一些程式...

剛剛看到消息提到 Sandboxie 決定要 open source:

Sophos is excited to announce that we are making Sandboxie a free tool, with plans to transition it to an open source tool.


Until the open source transition is completed we have decided to make all restricted features of Sandboxie completely free.

不過沒看懂 open source 的原因...