
索馬利亞的行動支付愈來愈發達:「More phones, few banks and years of instability are transforming Somalia to a cashless society」。

Now, it is one of at least three companies offering mobile money transfers in Somalia, where 51 out of every 100 people has a mobile subscription (compared to 22, only three years ago), and around 40% of adults use mobile money accounts, according to 2014 data from the World Bank (">pdf).

行動支付的流行,原因包括了缺乏零售銀行 (也就是服務據點),加上戰爭因素:

[,] the lack of retail banking in Somalia and fears of continued unrest—Al-Shabaab continues to occasionally stage attacks throughout the country—have made the service vital to Somalia’s reconstruction. Hormuud holds the cash, acting in essence like a bank.
