ICANN 否決 .org 與 .ngo 的交易

ICANN 否決了 .org.ngo 網域控制權的交易:「ICANN Board Withholds Consent for a Change of Control of the Public Interest Registry (PIR)」。

Today, the ICANN Board made the decision to reject the proposed change of control and entity conversion request that Public Interest Registry (PIR) submitted to ICANN.

事情主要是起於 PIR (Public Interest Registry) 在 2019/11/13 宣佈他們的母單位 ISOC (Internet Society) 將被 Ethos Capital 併購,而這包含了 .org.ngo 網域的資產,這也代表了由 PIR 控制的網域會從非營利單位移到營利單位下 (總共有七個網域,其中最重要的是 .org,有超過一千萬個網域在上面),於是引發許多人的關注:

On 13 November 2019, PIR announced that ISOC, its parent organization, had reached an agreement with Ethos Capital, under which Ethos Capital would acquire PIR and all of its assets from ISOC. Under the agreement, PIR would also be converted from a Pennsylvania not-for-profit corporation to a for-profit Pennsylvania limited liability company. ISOC created and agreed to the transaction details that are under review.

而在隔天 2019/11/14,PIR 依照規定向 ICANN 送出「Notice of Indirect Change of Control and Entity Conversion」申請,依照規定,ICANN 需要在 2020/05/04 前批准或是否決,也就是這幾天就要做出決定。

而 ICANN 昨天宣佈了否決這項提案,暫時搞定了這件事情... 接下來看 Ethos Capital 會不會有什麼反擊 (上訴或是上法院)。


紐約時報報導 National Society of High School Scholars 問了一萬八千名美國年輕人 (15~29 歲) 理想的職業,也不少出乎意料的結果跑出來:「The New Dream Jobs」。

常見的網路公司在上面,但讓紐約時報感到意外的,FBICIANSA 也在上面:

When the National Society of High School Scholars asked 18,000 Americans, ages 15 to 29, to rank their ideal future employers, the results were curious. To nobody’s surprise, Google, Apple and Facebook appeared high on the list, but so did the Central Intelligence Agency, the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the National Security Agency.
