蘋果也搞了個 Applebot 掃資料

Hacker News Daily 上翻到的:「About Applebot」,另外 Hacker News 上的討論也蠻有趣的,可以看看:「Applebot (support.apple.com)」。

目前的用途是用在 Siri 之類的 bot:

Applebot is the web crawler for Apple. Products like Siri and Spotlight Suggestions use Applebot.

裡面有提到辨識方式,IP 會使用,反解會是 *.applebot.apple.com

Traffic coming from Applebot is identified by its user agent, and reverse DNS shows it in the *.applebot.apple.com domain, originating from the net block.

另外 User-agent 也可以看出:

Mozilla/5.0 (Device; OS_version) AppleWebKit/WebKit_version (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/Safari_version Safari/WebKit_version (Applebot/Applebot_version)

後面有提到 search engine 的部份 (About search rankings),這點讓大家在猜蘋果是不是開始在弄 search engine 了,在 Hacker News 上的討論串裡面可以看到不少對於蘋果自己搞 search engine 的猜測。

然後也有些頗有趣的,像是爆料當初開發的過程遇到的問題 XD

jd20 3 days ago [–]

Some fun facts:
- Applebot was originally written in Go (and uncovered a user agent bug on redirects, revealing it's Go origins to the world, which Russ Cox fixed the next day).

- Up until the release of iOS 9, Applebot ran entirely on four Mac Pro's in an office. Those four Mac Pro's could crawl close to 1B web pages a day.

- In it's first week of existence, it nearly took Apple's internal DNS servers offline. It was then modified to do it's own DNS resolution and caching, fond memories...

Source: I worked on the original version.

iOS 7 支援 MPTCP (Multipath TCP)

Zite 上看到 iOS 7 支援 MPTCP 的消息:「iOS 7 becomes first commercial software to support multipath TCP, allowing simultaneous Wi-Fi and cell network connections」,這東西很新啊,今年一月才丟出 Experimental standard...

MPTCP 在行動平台上可以讓 3G/4G 與 Wi-Fi 網路混在一起用,如果有支援的話,對開發應用程式的人又更方便了一些... iOS 7 上的 Siri 則是第一波使用 MPTCP 的程式...

不過 LinuxFreeBSD 都還沒支援,只有 open source implementation (也就是要自己 patch)。