Kagi 可以分享搜尋結果了

先前 Kagi 限制只有註冊的使用者可以搜尋,但這次更新可以分享結果了 (在 Changelog 上可以看到):

Enable sharing of search results pages with people who lack a Kagi account #23 @ivan

這邊連結的是「Enable sharing of search results pages with people who lack a Kagi account」這個功能,看起來也算是個推銷其他人用 Kagi 的功能,所以就被做出來了。


Zoom 在分享螢幕時會有資料安全性問題

看到「Zoom Screen-Sharing Glitch ‘Briefly’ Leaks Sensitive Data」這篇,講 Zoom 在分享螢幕時的安全性問題,發現問題的德國資安團隊所寫的 security advisory 可以在「SYSS-2020-044.txt」這邊看到,對應的 CVE 號碼是 CVE-2021-28133


However, “under certain conditions” if a Zoom presenter chooses to share one application window, the share-screen feature briefly transmits content of other application windows to meeting participants, according to German-based SySS security consultant Michael Strametz, who discovered the flaw, and researcher Matthias Deeg, in a Thursday disclosure advisory (which has been translated via Google).


The current Zoom client version, 5.5.4 (13142.0301), for Windows is still vulnerable to the issue, Deeg told Threatpost.


Disclosure Timeline:

2020-12-02: Vulnerability reported to manufacturer
2020-12-02: Manufacturer acknowledges receipt of security advisory
2020-12-02: Manufacturer asks for more information
2020-12-03: SySS provides more information concerning the security issue
2020-12-03: Manufacturer confirms reproducing the security issue in both the Windows and the Linux client and asks further questions
2020-12-04: SySS answers open questions
2020-12-04: Manufacturer responds and will look into the reported security issue
2021-01-21: SySS asks for status update
2021-02-01: SySS asks for status update
2021-03-18: Public release of security advisory


OnionShare:透過 Tor 的 Hidden Service 分享檔案

OnionShare 官網上的說明是這樣寫:

OnionShare is an open source tool that lets you securely and anonymously share a file of any size.

Wiki 的說明比較清楚,實際上是在本機開一個 Hidden Service,而使用者必須透過 Tor Browser 這類的服務下載,這樣可以達成提供者與下載者都彼此匿名:

OnionShare lets you securely and anonymously share files of any size. It works by starting a web server, making it accessible as a Tor onion service, and generating an unguessable URL to access and download the files. It doesn't require setting up a server on the internet somewhere or using a third party filesharing service. You host the file on your own computer and use a Tor onion service to make it temporarily accessible over the internet. The other user just needs to use Tor Browser to download the file from you.


Open OnionShare, drag and drop files and folders you wish to share into it, and click Start Sharing. After a moment, it will show you a .onion URL such as http://asxmi4q6i7pajg2b.onion/egg-cain. This is the secret URL that can be used to download the file you're sharing.

如果下載者不是那麼在意匿名性的話,Tor2web 這類的服務應該也可以用...

感覺以現在提供的功能來看還是不夠便利,實驗性質居多 XD

Facebook 上貼的所有的連結都是公開的

tl;dr:Facebook 認為這個功能是 feature,不是 bug。

在「Why you shouldn’t share links on Facebook」這邊作者發現在 Facebook 上貼的「任何一個連結」都會產生 object id,而任何一個 object id 都可以直接取得 url,無論權限設定,像是這樣:

而 Facebook 認定這是 feature 而非 bug:

可以想像 NSA 之類的單位與地下組織開始狂掃...

PostgreSQL 9.5 預定提供的 Row Locking 改善

在「More Concurrency: Improved Locking In PostgreSQL」這邊提到 PostgreSQL 的 Row Locking 的改善,也就是 SELECT ... FOR UPDATESELECT ... FOR SHARE

查了一下 SELECT 的文件,在 7.2 開始提供 FOR UPDATE (PostgreSQL: Documentation: 7.2: SELECT),在 8.1 開始提供 FOR SHARE (PostgreSQL: Documentation: 8.1: SELECT),以維基百科上的紀錄來看,7.2 是 2002 年二月,8.1 是 2005 年十一月,都是已經提很久的功能了。

FOR UPDATEFOR SHARE 可以降低對 transaction 的依賴程度,PostgreSQL 的預設值是 READ COMMITTED,配合 Row Locking 就已經可以做到不少效果了,不需要用到 SERIALIZABLE 等級。

而在最新的 PostgreSQL 9.5 (目前還是開發版),則又多提供了 FOR UPDATE SKIP LOCKED 功能,以官方提供的範例來說,就可以直接避開選位造成的 lock 問題了:

This makes sense because 100 users checking for a free seat concurrently will get 100 different rows. The consequence is that you are not stuck with 1 CPU but you can nicely scale out to all CPUs in the system. As conflicts cannot happen anymore, nobody has to wait on somebody else.

對 locking 控制的更細微。

Vagrant 1.5

Vagrant 1.5 出了:「Vagrant 1.5 and Vagrant Cloud」。

最大的亮點是前陣子就有寫「Feature Preview: Vagrant Share」的 Vagrant Share,可以讓其他人很方便的連到自己的 Vagrant 機器上。

Vagrant Cloud 則是產品面上的整合,算是社群功能?

最近拿 Vagrant 與 Docker 測試的次數愈來愈頻繁了,之前拿 Amazon EC2,但開機速度太慢,而 DigitalOcean 開機速度雖然快很多,但不是很容易透過 cli 操作...

而這兩套各有優缺點。Docker 速度快,但環境相容性沒有 Vagrant 好,另外 Vagrant 畢竟是包著 VirtualBox 這種全虛擬化環境,除了 Linux 以外也可以測其他的作業系統。

反正都是熱門的軟體,之後看社群發展出什麼功能再看要怎麼用 :p