
標題資訊量有點大... 先講一下最近西洋棋界的新聞,九月的時候 Magnus Carlsen 指控 Hans Niemann 作弊,這件事情到目前還沒有完全落幕,可以翻維基百科的條目看看目前的進展:「Carlsen–Niemann controversy」。

而「ButtFish – Transmit Morse Code of chess moves to your butt (github.com/ronsijm)」這篇,則是示範怎麼用肛塞 (我這邊就拿 PChome 24h 的搜尋頁,有「興趣」的可以自己翻),加上很多情趣用品是可以透過 API 操作的 (作者提到了 Buttplug 這個專案),於是就造就了這個新的專案:「ButtFish」,專案名稱看起來是「引用」自西洋棋領域裡很有名的 Stockfish 引擎。

另外這張 Three circles model 圖也很好笑:




Bruce Schneier 提到了最近幾個剛好相關的議題,關於機器學習在情色產業使用時遇到的隱私議題:「Technology to Out Sex Workers」。

第一個提到的是 PornHub 用機器學習辨識演員以及各種「其他資訊」,這邊引用的報導是 TechCrunch 的「PornHub uses computer vision to ID actors, acts in its videos」:

PornHub is using machine learning algorithms to identify actors in different videos, so as to better index them.

The computer vision system can identify specific actors in scenes and even identifies various positions and… attributes.


People are worried that it can really identify them, by linking their stage names to their real names.

最後是提到 Facebook 已經有能力這樣做,而且已經發生了:

Facebook somehow managed to link a sex worker's clients under her fake name to her real profile.

Her sex-work identity is not on the social network at all; for it, she uses a different email address, a different phone number, and a different name. Yet earlier this year, looking at Facebook’s “People You May Know” recommendations, Leila (a name I’m using using in place of either of the names she uses) was shocked to see some of her regular sex-work clients.

這個議題與 Mass surveillance 有點像...。