Facebook 自己找人研究,Social Media 是否對人類有害 XDDD

之前看到「Hard Questions: Is Spending Time on Social Media Bad for Us?」這篇,一直不知道要怎麼吐槽... 然後看到 Twitter 上的這則 tweet XDDD


真的不知道怎麼吐槽 XDDD

CMU 推出 Product Management 的課程

CMUCS (Computer Science) 發的新聞稿:「Carnegie Mellon Offers New Master's Degree in Product Management」。


One-Year Program Turns Computer Professionals Into "CEOs of the Product"

除了 CMU CS 外,也結合了 CMU 的 Tepper Business School 一起開:

A joint program of the university's School of Computer Science (SCS) and Tepper School of Business, the Master of Science in Product Management (MSPM) program will start January 2018.

另外一個不同角度的 Product Management。

Humble Bundle 對抗信用卡盜刷的方法

Humble Bundle 說明他們如何對抗信用卡盜刷的方法,主要是不斷的降低風險,然後讓人介入的機會降低 (因為人事成本很高):「How Humble Bundle stops online fraud」。


Our first line of defense is a machine-learning-based anti-abuse startup called Sift Science, which we’ve been training for years across 55,000,000 transactions. Given how many orders we process, Sift Science has a really good idea when someone is up to no good. The model adapts daily as we get more data.

Sift Science 在 2014 的時候提過:「偵測信用卡交易是否為盜刷的服務」。做的事情很簡單,你把大量的資料傳給 Sift Science,包括了各種使用者身份資訊,以及信用卡資料,Sift Science 可以透過 Machine Learning 的方法告訴你這筆交易的風險,讓你進一步的判斷。

其實不少家都有做類似的服務,像是 MaxMindminFraud (就是做 GeoIP database 很有名的那家公司的另外一個產品)。當交易量很大的時候是個很有趣的應用,降低處理盜刷後續處理的成本。


應該是前陣子被 Nuzzel 推薦 2015 八月的老新聞,這個研究在 Nature 上發表:「Over half of psychology studies fail reproducibility test」。

這個研究重複了 98 篇原創研究來重新實驗:

In the biggest project of its kind, Brian Nosek, a social psychologist and head of the Center for Open Science in Charlottesville, Virginia, and 269 co-authors repeated work reported in 98 original papers from three psychology journals, to see if they independently came up with the same results.

結果在 100 次的實驗 (其中有 2 個是重複的) 發現只有 39 個實驗結果被重製出來:

According to the replicators' qualitative assessments, as previously reported by Nature, only 39 of the 100 replication attempts were successful. (There were 100 completed replication attempts on the 98 papers, as in two cases replication efforts were duplicated by separate teams.)


芝加哥的高中將 Computer Science 列入畢業要求

芝加哥的高中將 Computer Science 列入畢業要求:「Computer science could become graduation requirement for CPS students」。

看起來沒有標準,有的學校以基本的 HTML 編寫為主:

Claypool announced the proposed requirement outside a technology classroom at Curie, where he'd earlier spent some time talking to introductory computer science students about the day's lesson on basic HTML coding.

Leslie Lamport 拿下 2013 年圖靈獎 (Turing Award)

Leslie Lamport - A.M. Turing Award Winner

For fundamental contributions to the theory and practice of distributed and concurrent systems, notably the invention of concepts such as causality and logical clocks, safety and liveness, replicated state machines, and sequential consistency.

分散式系統領域的老大與 LaTeX 的發明人...