在機房裡面看到奇怪的 Raspberry Pi?

看到「The curious case of the Raspberry Pi in the network closet (2019) (blog.haschek.at)」這篇消息,這篇是 2019 當時的新聞,我當時就有看到,不過好像沒寫下來... 原文在「The curious case of the Raspberry Pi in the network closet」,基本上是個在機房裡面發現奇怪的設備,然後追查兇手的故事。

先整理一下事情,作者的父親 (看起來與作者都是這個行業的人) 在機房裡面發現一個奇怪的 Raspberry Pi 設備:

跟能夠進入機房的人確認後發現這不是他們帶進來的設備。另外他就請他爸把 SD card 裡面的東西倒出來再傳給他分析 (因為作者當時在遠端):

I asked him to unplug it, store it in a safe location, take photos of all parts and to make an image from the SD card (since I mostly work remote).

後面就是抓出這個設備是誰擁有的過程了,最後找到人交給 legal 處理。(這樣講好像太簡單了,但有興趣的人可以回去看作者的說明)

另外當年作者就有提到這個單位的 IT team 不大 (只有四個人),加上 BYOD 的政策,導入 802.1X 反而會帶來太多人力成本:

Good points. The problem is, there are over 1000 people coming and going every day, the site has a BYOD strategy and the IT team is 4 people. We tried implementing 802.1X for LAN devices but it was soo much overhead that we dropped that.

The thing of this case is that the person was only able to place the Pi there because he had a key to the network closet. That's game over no matter how many security protocols you implement

We did change the server passwords though

結果六年以後在 Hacker News 上被提起來,作者又來補充了一些事情,在 id=38923967 這邊提到這個點是一間學校,而他們是 contractor 的角色,所以有很多事情沒辦法直接推動:

OP here. What I didn't mention in the article is that this actually happened in a public School (small-ish for US standards as there are just ~1000 students and 100 teachers)

Hard to get the budget for serious switching hardware, even harder to get people who know how to manage them as I'm just an external contractor but can't exceed the alotted budget for my work there

另外在 id=38923991 這邊則是提到是歐洲,另外似乎是私下解決了,沒有上到法院:

OP here. Court records are thankfully not public in europe and it's even illegal to name names in public (unless it's about a public figure)

As far as I know there also were no court proceedings as this was handled internally


CMU 推出 Product Management 的課程

CMUCS (Computer Science) 發的新聞稿:「Carnegie Mellon Offers New Master's Degree in Product Management」。


One-Year Program Turns Computer Professionals Into "CEOs of the Product"

除了 CMU CS 外,也結合了 CMU 的 Tepper Business School 一起開:

A joint program of the university's School of Computer Science (SCS) and Tepper School of Business, the Master of Science in Product Management (MSPM) program will start January 2018.

另外一個不同角度的 Product Management。


禁止這類變相的羞辱行為:「New Mexico Outlaws School ‘Lunch Shaming’」。

In some schools, children are forced to clean cafeteria tables in front of their peers to pay the debt. Other schools require cafeteria workers to take a child’s hot food and throw it in the trash if he doesn’t have the money to pay for it.


On Thursday, Gov. Susana Martinez signed the Hunger-Free Students’ Bill of Rights, which directs schools to work with parents to pay their debts or sign up for federal meal assistance and puts an end to practices meant to embarrass children. It applies to public, private and religious schools that receive federal subsidies for students’ breakfasts and lunches.


紐約時報報導 National Society of High School Scholars 問了一萬八千名美國年輕人 (15~29 歲) 理想的職業,也不少出乎意料的結果跑出來:「The New Dream Jobs」。

常見的網路公司在上面,但讓紐約時報感到意外的,FBICIANSA 也在上面:

When the National Society of High School Scholars asked 18,000 Americans, ages 15 to 29, to rank their ideal future employers, the results were curious. To nobody’s surprise, Google, Apple and Facebook appeared high on the list, but so did the Central Intelligence Agency, the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the National Security Agency.


芝加哥的高中將 Computer Science 列入畢業要求

芝加哥的高中將 Computer Science 列入畢業要求:「Computer science could become graduation requirement for CPS students」。

看起來沒有標準,有的學校以基本的 HTML 編寫為主:

Claypool announced the proposed requirement outside a technology classroom at Curie, where he'd earlier spent some time talking to introductory computer science students about the day's lesson on basic HTML coding.

在家族裡使用 Slack...

公司用 Slack 還蠻常見的,但在「My family uses Slack. It's pretty interesting.」這邊看到家人之間使用 Slack 的分享。

利用 integration 叫 bot 回答小朋友現在的地點,並且與 Google Calendar 整合通知事項。然後學校提供的 RSS feed 也可以拉進來。

再來是採買食物的 bot,是有這麼宅嗎 XDDD

感覺很資訊化的家庭啊 XDDD

阿肯色州成為第一個要求高中教 coding 的州

Slashdot 上看到「Arkansas Is Now the First State To Require That High Schools Teach Coding」,報導自「Arkansas is Now the First State to Require That High Schools Teach Coding」。

2015~2016 這個年度將會開始招募大量教師,在高中內教 coding,大約花費一億五千萬台幣。

Training programs for teacher preparation will be available, but with the majority of the infrastructure already primed, the execution of this new law should hopefully be painless and seamless.




可以看到 Microsoft 的 logo,所以回家後找了一下微軟的新聞稿:「蓬萊國小善用科技落實一對一的個別化特色學習」,主要是引入 Windows 7 平板電腦。

還... 蠻有趣的?