Android 打算針對 Data Saver + 2G 網路的使用者關閉 JavaScript 功能

在「Chrome for Android may start disabling JavaScript on 2G connections」這邊看到的,引用的文章是 XDA 的「Google Chrome on Android to disable JavaScript automatically on 2G connections」。

在「Disable scripts for Data Saver users on slow connections」這邊可以看到 Android 的計畫,在打開 Data Saver 的情況下,Chrome 會停用 JavaScript,並且提示使用者:

If a Data Saver user is on a 2G-speed or slower network according to the NetInfo API, Chrome disables scripts and sends an intervention header on every resource request. Users are shown a UI at the bottom of the screen indicating the page has been modified to save data. Users can enable scripts on the page by tapping “Show original” in the UI.

在「Enabled NoScript Preview feature by default on Android」這邊可以看到對應的程式修改。

這樣反而可以少收到很多廣告耶,反倒希望是全域打開 XDDD