sudo 對 ROWHAMMER 攻擊的 mitigation

看到「Rowhammer Resistant Coding in Sudo (」這邊的討論,提到了 sudo 專案 (變成 root 那個 sudo 軟體) 怎麼緩解 ROWHAMMER 攻擊的實作,原連結是去年九月時 GitHub 上的 commit:「Try to make sudo less vulnerable to ROWHAMMER attacks.」。

從 commit 裡面可以看到這個:

- #define AUTH_SUCCESS		0
- #define AUTH_FAILURE		1
- #define AUTH_INTR		2
- #define AUTH_ERROR		3
+ #define AUTH_SUCCESS		0x52a2925	/* 0101001010100010100100100101 */
+ #define AUTH_FAILURE		0xad5d6da	/* 1010110101011101011011011010 */
+ #define AUTH_INTR		0x69d61fc8	/* 1101001110101100001111111001000 */
+ #define AUTH_ERROR		0x1629e037	/* 0010110001010011110000000110111 */
+ #define AUTH_NONINTERACTIVE	0x1fc8d3ac	/* 11111110010001101001110101100 */

可以看到想法上是讓要攻擊時需要改變的 bit 數量大幅增加?尤其是對 AUTH_SUCCESShamming distance


+ /* Allowed by policy (rowhammer resistent). */
+ #undef ALLOW
+ #define ALLOW	 0x52a2925	/* 0101001010100010100100100101 */
+ /* Denied by policy (rowhammer resistent). */
+ #undef DENY
+ #define DENY	 0xad5d6da	/* 1010110101011101011011011010 */

這邊 ALLOWDENY 這邊也是把 hamming distance 設計到最大,兩個 XOR 後剛好是 0xffffffff

會不會變成安全相關軟體實作上的 practice?

Rowhammer Bug:攻擊記憶體的值...

GoogleProject Zero 實做 Rowhammer Bug:「Exploiting the DRAM rowhammer bug to gain kernel privileges」。


“Rowhammer” is a problem with some recent DRAM devices in which repeatedly accessing a row of memory can cause bit flips in adjacent rows.


We tested a selection of laptops and found that a subset of them exhibited the problem. We built two working privilege escalation exploits that use this effect.

給出了 NaCl sandbox escape 與 Kernel privilege escalation 兩種方式。
